
Before you sign up for a class, here are some important things to know.

  • Please read our Class Registration and Cancellation Policy before registering for any class.  Most of the common questions that people have about our classes are addressed in this document.

  • All of our classes are taught by volunteer instructors who are passionate about helping others to learn and enjoy sailing.

  • On-the-water classes will only be offered to members of Sail Chicago.

    • Learn about the cost of membership and the benefits you’ll enjoy on our membership page.

    • You can sign up for membership and classes at the same time.

  • The U.S. Sailing Basic Keelboat online course is essential to our curriculum and the best way to meet one of the prerequisites for our classes. Students with no other proof of basic sailing knowledge must take this online course, begin learning and finish the quizzes before taking their first on-the-water class. See our Class Registration and Cancellation Policy for more information.

    • Students will receive instructions on how to register for the U.S. Sailing Basic Keelboat online course once they register for a Sail Chicago on-the-water course.

  • Pre-Sail Orientation. An opportunity to “meet” members and ask questions. This is required for all new students and new members.

  • What class is right for me? Check out the 3 course syllabus grids below for our 3 core courses. For example, if you are competent and confident in all the skills of the Crew class, then sign up for First Mate. If competent in First Mate skills, then sign up for Skipper Prep. All new students/members need to take Skipper Prep in order to become a SC Skipper. Syllabi.


First-time students who've enrolled in any of our classes as well as new members are required to attend a PSO session before beginning their on-the-water class.

Note: On-the-water sailing classes sell out fast. If you want to learn how to sail this summer, register for an on-the-water class as soon as possible and then schedule your PSO prior to your on-the-water class.

PSO gives new students and new members an introduction to sailing on Lake Michigan and the workings of Sail Chicago. As a sailing cooperative with over 300 members, it is important for everyone to do their part in adhering to the guidelines and maintaining standards of Sail Chicago.

Topics include:

  • Introduction to Sail Chicago

  • You have registered for a class on-the-water – Now What?

  • Preparation for sailing on Lake Michigan

  • Day 1 of Sailing on-the-water class

  • Q&A


If you have basic or no sailing experience, our Crew program is for you.

All Crew students are required to attend the Pre Sail Orientation (PSO) and complete the US Sailing Basic Keelboat online course that will help them learn the basic concepts and principles of sailing and boat safety. They will also learn the importance of teamwork, knot tying and the terminology of sailing. This will be done online before getting out on the water with a qualified Sail Chicago Instructor.

On the water, the student gets to convert the classroom concepts into an actual sailing experience. As a Sail Chicago student, you can practice what you’re learning by participating in Tiller Times, which give you free access to boats while being accompanied by an experienced Sail Chicago skipper.  Classes are conducted on our fleet of Colgate 26 sailboats and are held at Chicago’s Monroe Harbor in downtown Chicago. Class size is limited to four (4) students per boat. 

Member cost: $320


If you have successfully completed the Crew program, or have considerable sailing experience; e.g. know boat parts, basic sailing knots, basic sailing theory and terminology, can steer a sailboat upwind and downwind in open water using proper sail trim and can safely tack and jibe a boat, then Sail Chicago’s First Mate Course is for you (First Mate Students new to Sail Chicago must also attended a PSO class as well as complete the US Sailing Basic Keelboat online course).

Students will to learn more effective sail trim, practice harbor sailing, rescue maneuvers, departing and mooring under power and sail, using an anchor, further knot tying and improving your boat handling on the water with a qualified Sail Chicago Instructor.

As a Sail Chicago student, you can practice what you’re learning by participating in Tiller Times, which give you free access to boats while being accompanied by an experienced Sail Chicago skipper.  Classes are conducted on our fleet of Colgate 26 sailboats and are held at Chicago’s Monroe Harbor in downtown Chicago. Class size is limited to four (4) students per boat. 

Member cost: $320


Sail Chicago’s Skipper Prep course is taught by qualified Sail Chicago Instructors who teach advanced-level students the skills needed to safely skipper a sailboat. This course is for those who have passed our First Mate Course or for those who have very extensive experience sailing a Basic Keelboat. Students will refine their rescue maneuvers, master mooring procedures under sail and under power, practice simple navigation, and learn how to best respond to adverse sailing conditions. A student must pass a practical on the water a skills evaluation and a written exam to qualify as a Sail Chicago Skipper. This qualification is necessary to have access to Sail Chicago sailboats for private use. (Skipper Prep Students new to Sail Chicago must also attended a PSO class as well as complete the US Sailing Basic Keelboat online course).

Classes are conducted on our fleet of Colgate 26 sailboats and are held at Chicago’s Monroe Harbor in downtown Chicago. Class size is limited to four (4) students per boat. Those who pass our Skipper Training course can have the option to take the U.S. Sailing Basic Keelboat test and pay an additional fee in order to gain the U.S. Sailing Basic Keelboat Certification which includes a 1-year membership in U.S. Sailing.    

Member cost: $320

intro to Coastal Navigation

Coastal Navigation teaches sailors to identify chart symbols and their corresponding visual observations, define true and magnetic compass readings, determine deviation and variation, plot course and position, calculate time/speed/distance, take bearings and fixes; adjust for set and drift; and plot danger fixes.

Students complete navigational exercises with charts, dividers and parallel rulers. Aids to navigation and rules of the road are covered in a pre-class assignment online.

Member cost: $160

No classes scheduled yet

Basic CruisinG

This 6-lesson course teaches sailors to operate a 34-foot cruising sailboat with an inboard engine. Enrollees learn to apply their skipper techniques to a larger boat, use enhanced safety features, operate and maintain the engine and electrical systems, and pilot the boat, safely maneuver our 34’ cruising boats under auxiliary power in confined quarters,

Prerequisite: Colgate 26 Skipper Certification

Member cost: $360

Classes will be released soon

Bareboat Cruising

This course introduces the skills necessary to skipper a cruising sailboat within sight of land during daylight hours, and bring it safely to anchor in a foreign port. In addition to routine equipment inspection and safety checks, participants monitor weather forecasts and conditions to choose a destination and plot a course. The crew collaborate to plan provisioning and meal preparation aboard. Underway, students use skills taught in Coastal Navigation to take hourly fixes, plot ship's position on the chart, and calculate course adjustments as needed. The crew stays overnight in a foreign port, returning home Sunday afternoon.


Intro to Coastal Navigation, Sail Chicago Basic Cruising Skipper, Online Boating Safety course (Info will be emailed to registered students.)

Member cost: $360 


Instructor Prep

If you have a minimum of two years experience as a a skipper at Sail Chicago, have run at least six Tiller Times and are Interested in joining the Instructor Team, then the Instructor Prep class will get you ready to teach classes at Sail Chicago. Instructor Candidates (IC’s) should consider themselves a competent and confident sailor and have strong communication skills.

The Instructor Prep program begins with the rigorous Instructor Exam which is based on the SC OTW Skills Standards for Colgate 26 and the Rules and Regulations. From there, Instructor Candidates (IC’s) shadow instructors, attend two OTW classes with your BKI certified SC Instructor Trainer (SC-IT) on our Colgate 26 sailboats. Instructor Mentor’s (IM’s) then observe the IC’s teach a class while conducting two Tiller Time sails. Finally the IC’s chooses a mentors to guide them through their first class as a SC Instructor.

Class size is limited to four (4) students per class.

Member cost: $300