Sail Chicago Course Outcomes

Crew Class (Basic/Beginning)

As a result of this class, you will be able to:

  • Recall and use sailboat and sailing terminology

  • Maneuver a sailboat upwind and downwind (tacking, jibing, recovering from being in-irons, maintaining a course, heaving to)

  • Determine apparent wind, and trim sails accordingly

  • Execute key knots (cleat hitches, figure eights, bowlines, coiling a line)

  • Communicate and coordinate with the skipper and other crew members

  • Recognize safety basics, club rules, and emergency procedures 

First Mate Class (Intermediate)

As a result of this class, you will be able to:

  • Plan and execute a mooring departure and mooring return

  • Get underway and return with a motor

  • Tack and jibe in confined spaces 

  • Execute close reach approaches, quick stops, and quick turns

  • Avoid collisions by knowing navigational “rules of the road” and execute emergency come-abouts

  • Evaluate and respond to heavy weather using a variety of tactics (reefing, stalling, anchoring, depowering sails, etc.)

  • Execute additional knots (heave lines, clove hitches, square knots, marlinspikes)

Advanced/Skipper Prep

You will be able to:

  • Think like a skipper (responsibilities and judgements)

  • Coordinate a crew

  • Recover and regroup after aborted departures and missed approaches

  • Control sail speed and determine glide zone

  • Execute a successful recovery of an overboard crew member