The Telltale: December 2023

Sail Chicago Tell Tale

Issue 12: December, 2023

There are plenty of important meetings coming up, so please take a moment to mark your calendars. Wishing each and every Sail Chicago member a peaceful Holiday Season and Happy New Year. And if you visit Santa, please tell him I need some new sailing gloves!

— Meighan Depke, Editor

Mark Your Calendars for the Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of the Membership will take place Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 7:00 pm. Please plan to attend!

Did you know that Sail Chicago has a Google Calendar?  Upcoming meetings and events – including our Annual Meeting – are all posted there. Subscribe to our calendar today!

Meet the Board! Happy Hour, January 16, 2024 

If you're curious about what it's like to serve on the board of directors or have questions for the Sail Chicago leadership, come talk with us! We will be holding a Meet the Board Happy Hour on January 16 from 6:00–8:00 pm. The location for this in-person event will be announced in the January newsletter.

Remember, board membership is open to all Sail Chicago members in good standing, and we encourage everyone that is interested in running for a board seat to do so. We have four seats opening next year.

If you're interested in running for the board, here's how:

Renew your membership in January 2024. You must be a member to run!

Complete this candidate application form.

Have another returning member complete this nomination form. Your nominator must have been a Sail Chicago member for at least 12 months and have also renewed their membership. You can be nominated by multiple people, but only one is required.

That's all there is to it! All applications and nominations must be submitted by Sunday, February 11, 2024 to qualify for the election. If you are curious about what it's like to serve on the board, come talk to us at the Meet the Board Happy Hour!

Gerry Stacy, Chair

Check Your Spam Folder—Volunteer Reporting Continues

Our end-of-season volunteer reporting continues, and by now you should have received several e-mails from your volunteer team inviting you to submit reports. If you have not received them, please check your e-mail's spam folder or reach out to the volunteer team at for help.

Our volunteer reporting process ends soon, so please make sure to complete your reports as soon as possible. Remember, you must report your volunteer hours in order to meet your service time requirement and avoid paying the $400 waiver for next season. Reporting also helps keep your current volunteer position in 2024.

2024 Course Rollout

For the upcoming 2024 Sailing Season, Sail Chicago will be implementing a new rollout plan for courses. The demand for our classes has far surpassed our ability to meet them. As in 2023, we will implement a pre-registration process for previous students. We will, however, hold a general registration lottery for those looking to join and learn for the first time.

You can find a detailed description of the 2024 course rollout plan, key dates, and frequently asked questions on our website.

Additional information including links to online forms for the general registration lottery will be posted to our website and announced early 2024 in The TellTale.

Sail Chicago 2024 Scholarship Program!

The DEI Committee is continuing our scholarship program as part of Sail Chicago’s commitment to increase diversity, equity, and inclusivity among its members within the organization as well as in the sport of sailing. The goal is to promote the sport of sailing to groups that have historically faced barriers to participation, such as people of color in the United States and people from low socioeconomic households. These barriers have included racial segregation in/exclusion from boating clubs, actual or perceived lack of access or acceptance, and/or high costs of participation in the sport. 

The application will be open January 5 through March 8, 2024. Recipients will participate in SC’s beginner Crew classes (including Pre-Sail Orientation and US Sailing Basic Keelboat online course fees), have membership fees covered, and be given priority access to class sign up. Scholarship recipients will also have Racing sign-up fees covered if they complete their Crew course, and would like to try Racing!

Applications will go live in January, so please keep an eye out if you know someone within your network who may be interested in applying.

Social Committee Update

The Social Committee is considering a happy hour at Bonus Round in Lakeview, in either January or February. Looks like a fun place so watch The TellTale or Slack for details. We hope to have a great turnout to stay connected during the off season.

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Catch up with the previous issues of The Telltale

Sail Chicago Mission Statement  |  Member Benefits  |  Fleet Locations  |  Member Log In  
Member Registration  |  Sail Chicago Rules and Regulations  |  Board Meeting Minutes
Instruction  |  Sailing Weather

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The Telltale: November 2023

Sail Chicago Tell Tale
Issue 11: November, 2023

Another successful season wrap up and we couldn’t have done it without you, our member-volunteers, who have logged in countless hours making our programs work and bringing the joy of sailing to our greater Chicago community. Let’s congratulate ourselves on a job well done and remember to log your volunteer hours!

— Meighan Depke, Editor

Sail Chicago members taking the boats up river on a few blustery days in October.

It’s Volunteer Reporting Time
Gerry Stacy, Chairman

Our 2023 volunteer season ended on October 31. Thank you to all our members who gave so much of their time to keep our organization running. We all enjoyed another great summer of sailing because of you.

Now that the season is over, there’s one more job to do and that’s to complete your volunteer reporting. This is an important step in our annual volunteering process because:

— Helps maintain accurate volunteer and position records
— Confirms that members met their 2023 service time requirement
— Lets Sail Chicago know if you want your current volunteer position in 2024
— Gives an estimate of how much time our members are spending volunteering.

In the next few weeks you’ll receive an email from the volunteer team listing the positions you filled during the 2023 season. You’ll be able to click through each position, provide an estimate of the hours you spent doing the work, and tell us if you would like to keep that position in 2024. If we missed any volunteering that you did, you’ll be able to indicate that also.

Please complete your reports as soon as you can after receiving them. We will close the reporting process after November 30, record service time flags for 2023, and open the volunteer site to signups for 2024. Remember, any volunteer activity after November 1 counts toward your service time requirement for NEXT SUMMER and your membership renewal in 2025.

If you have any questions about volunteering at Sail Chicago or the reporting process, please reach out to the volunteer team at

Run for the Board! 

Would you like to take a turn on the tiller that steers our organization? Do you have ideas that you know will make Sail Chicago better? Do you think there's a point of view missing in our leadership, and that's yours? Then run for the board!

Board membership is open to all Sail Chicago members in good standing, and we encourage everyone that wants to run for a board seat to do so. We have four seats opening next year, and anyone is welcome to run.

If you are interested in running, here's how to do it.

1. Renew your membership in January 2024. You must be a member to run!
2. Complete this candidate application form.
3. Have another returning member complete this
nomination form. Nominating members must have been a Sail Chicago member for at least 12 months and have renewed their membership. Multiple people can nominate you, but only one is needed.

That's all there is to it! All applications and nominations must be submitted by Sunday, February 11, 2024 to qualify for the election.

If you are curious about what it's like to serve on the board, come talk to us! We'll be holding a Meet the Board event in January. Information about that event will be posted in an upcoming issue of The Telltale.

Congrats BKI Instructors!

Please join us in congratulating Ben Carls and Franck Cappello on their successful graduation to BKI Instructor! After spending much of July, August, and September preparing for this intensive, 3-day evaluation administered by US Sailing, they completed the course in early October at the Jackson Park Harbor Yacht Club. Sail Chicago members interested in enrolling in a future BKI course should contact Candace Kohli or Tom Hertel.

End of Season Dinner Wrap-up

The 2023 End of Season Dinner held on October 12th was well attended this year. The menu was expanded to include steak, vegetarian and vegan options. The total cost was $89.10 per person this year but due to the generous discount from Columbia Yacht Club and cost sharing from Sail Chicago, we were able to keep our member cost at $30.00 per person. We hope that everyone that attended enjoyed themselves and the Social Committee is looking forward to a great 2024 season!

The Social Committee is planning a winter event to take place in January or February.  Watch this newsletter and SLACK for details.

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Catch up with the previous issues of The Telltale

Sail Chicago Mission Statement  |  Member Benefits  |  Fleet Locations  |  Member Log In  
Member Registration  |  Sail Chicago Rules and Regulations  |  Board Meeting Minutes
Instruction  |  Sailing Weather

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The Telltale: October 2023

Sail Chicago Tell Tale
Issue 10: October, 2023

It’s sad to see the season end as our fleet heads to winter storage at the Canal Street Marina. But the work and fun doesn't stop there! There’s plenty involved in putting our boats to bed for the season and getting them in shape for 2024. Check out volunteer positions at and sign up to be part of a boat team. It’s a great way to learn about our boats and make sailing buddies for the next season.

Also, don’t forget the End of Season Banquet and silent auction on October 12. Celebrate a great season and connect with members, new and old!

— Meighan Depke, Editor

End of Season Dinner and Auction

2023 End of Season Dinner: Thursday, October 12
2023 Columbia Yacht Club, 6:30pm-9:30pm

Last chance to register for the End of Season dinner at Columbia Yacht Club! The event includes a buffet, non-alcoholic beverages, and a cash bar. The evening's program will include committee chairs sharing their season successes and education about how newer sailors can get involved in 2024. See the link below to register and view the menu. 

The event is open to members and 1 guest. $30 per person. Registration and payment will end at 6:30 PM on October 8th.

Get Tickets

The dinner will also include a silent auction and cash donation for the DEI scholarship program. Cash, check, Zelle and credit cards accepted (credit cards will have a processing fee). For zelle, use in your bank's Zelle app.

For members that joined Sail Chicago within the last two years, we will have a drawing for a Private Colgate sailing experience with Skipper Shawn Joseph during the 2024 sailing season (winner + 3 guests). It's one ticket per attendee, and please pick up your ticket to enter the drawing when checking in at the dinner. The winning ticket will be drawn at the end of dinner.   

This is our last event for 2023.  We are working on a winter event to keep everyone connected!

Looking for Sailing Photos!

Did you take some great sailing photos this year? Submit yours for inclusion in a rolling photo presentation at the dinner!
Upload Photos

Congratulations Class of 2023

The board and leadership of Sail Chicago would like to offer our warmest compliments to our skipper class of 2023. Congratulations on your achievement!

Salman Ali, Alexander Brand, Meighan Depke, Louisa Fitzgerald, William Haggerty, Cara Jaques, Jiyoung Kang, Samuel Leist, Jon Lindberg, Joy Dantong Ma, Paul May, Gary Nitz, Hannes Ortmann, Natalia Povarova, Christopher Prattos, Andrew Proctor, Robert Reed, Laura Reilly, Aaron Sartin, Alan Street, Stan Szwalek, Dan Tzoumas, Arjun Wadnerkar, Alec Weege, Aleksey Zakharov

As new skippers, the best thing you can do now is sail! Time on boats getting practical hands-on experience is the best way to continue learning while developing a sense of wind, weather, and sea. This experience results in the circumspection and judgement that together make up that quality we call "seamanship."  When Sail Chicago skippers sign the "Keelboat Skipper Personal Statement" we acknowledge that achieving skipper status doesn't mean that we're great sailors—it means we promise to continue learning and growing. We wish you the best on your sailing journey and see you on the water— we all look forward learning with you.

Sail Chicago Gear

Have you ever been on the tender and wondered “hey, where did that sailor get that great Sail Chicago hat?” Well, wonder no more. Purchase gear with the Sail Chicago logo on it to wear all winter as a reminder that cold weather really is temporary. Caps, shirts, pants and other gear are available.

Shop Gear
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Catch up with the previous issues of The Telltale

Sail Chicago Mission Statement  |  Member Benefits  |  Fleet Locations  |  Member Log In  
Member Registration  |  Sail Chicago Rules and Regulations  |  Board Meeting Minutes
Instruction  |  Sailing Weather

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The Telltale: September 2023

Sail Chicago Tell Tale
Issue 9: September, 2023

I refuse to accept that summer is winding down, but as the air starts to cool and the neighborhood kids head off to school, it seems inevitable. But the great news is that fall in Chicago is truly beautiful and one of the best ways to enjoy it is on the water. So don’t put that PFD in storage yet, get out there and sail! And if you need a sailing mate, post to #share-a-sail on Slack. Sailors at every skill level are eager to find someone looking to practice, relax, and enjoy a day on the water.

— Meighan Depke, Editor

Upcoming Social Events

September Happy Hour: Thursday, September 14, 5:30pm, Island Party Hut

Our September Happy Hour will be outdoors at Island Party Hut on the Chicago Riverwalk! Sail Chicago members are welcome to attend and bring one guest. Appetizers and one drink ticket will be provided for all attendees. This is a very fun venue with great views of the river, so don’t miss it! If there is a rainout, the happy hour will be rescheduled.

Please register so we can plan for appetizers. Also, if you register and your plans change, please cancel your reservation, thank you!


New Skipper Social Hour: Thursday, October 5th, 6:00–8:00pm
Lizzie McNeill’s, 400 N McClurg Ct.

Please join us for a celebration of achieving this milestone, socializing and discussing your experiences. Cash bar only. Register on eventbrite and get an automated reminder!


2023 End of Season Dinner: October 12, 2023 Columbia Yacht Club, 6:30pm-9:30pm

Our last event for the year will be the End of Season dinner at Columbia Yacht Club. Again this year, we will have a silent auction to benefit SC scholarships for DEI. Mark your calendar for this fun event. Registration available soon!

Skipper Prep Class Saves Bird

This weekend Jiyoung Kang's Skipper Prep class collected garbage from the water while practicing COB. A wine bottle, fender, floatie, two life jackets, and an injured gull! When they spotted the bird floating on its back they assumed it was dead, but on approached they saw it move.  

They performed a COB and scooped him up with the net and brought him to shore. Skipper Iwona Awlasewicz contacted Chicago Bird Collision Monitors and they picked up the bird. Today we received an update:  

“Yes—thanks to you and all your help! It was picked up and taken to a wildlife center yesterday about 2 pm. I haven’t heard anything about its injuries, but it was alert and fairly active and a good eater— all very good signs. Thanks again for for your extraordinary efforts to help this beautiful gull.”

Practice While You Clean!

For those who would like additional COB or picking up a mooring line practice, you will find an extendable net on board all of our Colgates. You can use it to pick up debris in the lake. So in addition to practicing important sailing techniques, you’ll help with keeping the lake clean.

Volunteer Team Thoughts

As the sailing season winds down, we'd like to take a moment to thank everyone who has been working all summer long to keep our organization running smoothly. From scrubbing the boats and refueling the engines, to checking the electrical systems, to planning and pulling off fantastic social events, to teaching classes, leading Tiller Times and Member Cruise Outings, to heading up our racing, and to all the behind the scenes jobs completed to coordinate and lead our programs, THANK YOU ALL! Together, you've given thousands of hours of your time and Sail Chicago keeps running because of it!

If you haven't had a chance to volunteer yet, it's not too late! Our 2023 volunteer season runs until October 31. There are still opportunities available on the Volunteer Website, and there is plenty of work to be done as we take our boats back to the boatyard and prepare them for winter storage. 

Sign up for positions by completing the Volunteer Signup Form. If you don't see an empty position that interests you, reach out to the volunteer team at

Finally, a reminder that volunteering is a part remaining a member in good standing. The suggestion is to provide about 20 hours of service each season. If you don't complete your service time requirement for 2023 by October 31, you will be responsible for paying the $400 opt-out fee when you renew your membership in 2024. Any volunteering that you do after November 1 will count towards your service time requirement for next summer, not this one.

Ideals Boat Team Manager Needed

The Ideals boat team anticipates a vacancy in the position of Boat Manager for Solstice, one of our two Ideal 18's, for next year. The position involves working in cooperation with one of our continuing managers, Tim Sheehan in the pre-season preparation, launch, seasonal maintenance, and post season haul-out of the boat. Someone who is also currently Ideal skipper qualified, and willing to conduct orientation of additional skippers would be especially welcome. If you are interested, but unfamiliar with the launching, haul out and rigging of these boats, we invite you to get a flavor of this activity by joining us us for fall haul out, which we are targeting for Saturday, Sept. 30. If interested, contact either Tim Sheehan at or acting Solstice manager, Kenn Sinko at for more information.

Silent Auction Donations Needed

Sail Chicago will once again hold its annual Silent Auction at the End of Season Dinner on October 12, 2023. All proceeds from the Silent Auction are used to fund Sail Chicago’s Scholarship Program, which provides free sailing courses to diverse scholarship recipients. This 2023 season we have five scholarship recipients — four new sailors in Crew courses and one student returning from the 2022 cohort to complete their First Mate course.

In support of the Silent Auction and the Scholarship Program, we are requesting donations of new and unused boating or sailing-related items that can be auctioned off at the event. We are also looking for volunteers to help solicit local businesses for donation items. Please contact Linhda Nguyen at for items to donate and/or volunteer.

Sail Chicago Slack Channel #certprocess or email with any questions. Happy Sailing!

Friends and Family Picnic

The 2023 Friends and Family Picnic and short sails at Belmont Harbor were a huge success. The weather was perfect and everyone enjoyed the food. Thanks again to all our skippers and  first mates who volunteered to take our "family and friends" out for a short sail on Lake Michigan.                                                              

Have comments, feedback or story ideas for The Tell Tale?
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Catch up with the previous issues of The Telltale

Sail Chicago Mission Statement  |  Member Benefits  |  Fleet Locations  |  Member Log In  
Member Registration  |  Sail Chicago Rules and Regulations  |  Board Meeting Minutes
Instruction  |  Sailing Weather

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The Telltale: August, 2023

Sail Chicago Tell Tale

Issue 8: August, 2023
Do you ever stop to think about how incredibly amazing it is to have a volunteer sailing club at your fingertips here in Chicago where you can learn to sail, become a skipper, meet great people, and get out on the water whenever you want? Well I do and after a 20 year hiatus I woke one day and thought “gee, what is my problem?” In addition, the policy change to Rule 4.13 for new skippers makes getting out on the water after checkout easier than ever! Having recently finished Skipper Prep class with my cohorts shown below (John, Paul, Sam, with Instructor James McLaughlin) I’m excited to take advantage of the new rule change and continue my lifelong learning as a sailor.

— Meighan Depke, Editor

New Skipper Policy Change

The Sail Chicago board has passed a new policy change to Rule 4.13 stating: A new Skipper shall be accompanied by another Sail Chicago Skipper for their first three private rentals (i.e., as the skipper of record) after which they shall be granted permission to reserve a boat for a private rental in accordance with existing Sail Chicago policies.

Prior to the change, Rule 4.13 required a first-year Skipper to be accompanied by another skipper with at least 12 months experience.

The change requires new skippers to take three private sails with another Sail Chicago skipper before they can reserve boats with friends or non skippers. Why private sails? Because when you book a private sail, you are responsible for the safe conduct of the boat as the “skipper of record”. This means new skippers can partner up and sail a total of six times — three as “first mate” and three as “skipper” to increase their time on the water to learn, practice and have fun!

Sail Chicago’s goal is to encourage skill development by getting every new skipper out on the water as quickly possible. New skippers are told to continue learning by sailing and agree the following statement, I understand that receiving a Keelboat Skipper card does not make me a great sailor – it indicates that I am trusted to continue learning while sailing the Colgate 26. Now new skippers can sail together to build their skills. If you have any questions about this new policy reach out to any board member or your Skipper Prep instructor.

At the beginning of the season a group of our top instructors went out on the water to review key teaching strategies and discuss policy changes for the 2023 season.

Upcoming Social Events

The 2023 Friends and Family Picnic at Belmont Harbor on Saturday, August 12 is right around the corner! Please purchase tickets by August 10 if you would like to participate in this catered picnic.  

We will meet on the grassy area across from Dock E where Priorities is docked. The BBQ picnic (served around 12pm) will include rib tips, chicken, hot dogs, and sides along with water and soft drinks (no alcohol allowed). Gluten-free, vegan, and children's options will be available. You are also free to bring your own lunch. This year we will have a tent with tables and chairs. Feel free to bring your own chairs, snacks, and games. We will have the Sail Chicago bags game.

Get Tickets

On the day of the picnic, free short sails on Calypso, Priorities, Recess and Poco are available for members and their friends/family. Registion for time slot is required. There are still some spots available. 

Sail Signup

September Happy Hour: Date and location TBD. Watch for notices in SLACK and the September newsletter.

2023 End of Season Dinner: October 12, 2023 Columbia Yacht Club, 6:30pm-9:30pm

New Skippers Social: Thursday, October 5th, location TBD 

Volunteers Still Needed

It’s starting to feel like the end of sailing season is just around the corner. Remember, when the season ends on October 31, our volunteering season ends as well. Do you need to meet your 2023 service time requirement? Below are some end-of-season opportunities to help out.

Students are eager to practice! For skippers with two years experience, consider hosting tiller times in August and September. If you are a skipper with one year experience, you can volunteer to host Member Cruise Outings. Let's keep everyone sailing through the end of the season!

Help unstep Colgate masts and transport boats to the boatyard in October. Unstepping the masts takes several hours on a Saturday or Sunday and many hands are needed but no experience is required. Come see how we lower a mast! After lowering the masts, the Colgates are taken down river to the Canal Street boatyard. Crews are needed to make the two-hour trip on weekday mornings.

Social Committee volunteers needed to help with upcoming events. Extra hands are needed to help with the Friends & Family picnic on Saturday, August 12 and the end-of-season dinner on Thursday, October 12.

To sign up for any of these opportunities, complete the Volunteer Signup Form or contact the Volunteer Team at

Motors ON in the Harbor

Please remember that the motors on our Rhodes and Colgate boats must be IN the water, ON, and READY to be used whenever the boat is between the mooring can and the mouth of the harbor. This rule applies to both leaving and returning to the mooring, and there are no exceptions. Failure to do so is a violation of the rules and can result in disciplinary action.

Sailing onto and off the mooring can is a skill all skippers should master and it’s a satisfying accomplishment to do so. However, it is just as satisfying to do with the motor running and gives a fallback option should conditions suddenly change.

New Online US Sailing Basic Keelboat Certification

This is exciting news for sailors who have recently graduated to Skipper-level — you now have the option to obtain your official US Sailing Basic Keelboat Certification all online!

This highly recommended certification provides multiple benefits including a one-year membership to U.S. Sailing, an official logbook to track sails, and an official US Sailing-sponsored Certification emblem. Another amazing benefit is certification recognition at sailing clubs across the country. If you happen to leave Chicago and Sail Chicago, this US Sailing Basic Keelboat Certification is nationally recognized at many sailing clubs.

Although highly recommend for all new Skippers, obtaining the certification is optional. For those interested, we have established an online-only exam to complete. Skippers need at least a 75% to pass and receive certification.

Once the exam is passed, Sail Chicago’s Certification Administrator will provide you with an official logbook affixed with the Certification emblem. For additional details on the Keelboat Certification process, please visit the Sail Chicago Slack Channel #certprocess or email with any questions. Happy Sailing!

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Needs Volunteer Skippers

We are excited to host DEI Sails for a second season, but we need your help! Similar to a traditional Member Cruise Outing, these sails are focused on under-represented groups in Sail Chicago (and sailing in general). Last year we started with Women's and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & people of color) cruises, and this year we will be adding LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) cruises! These cruises provide opportunities for our minority members to meet, connect, and sail in a safe and supportive environment. If you identify as a woman, BIPOC, or LGBTQ+, have been a skipper for at least a year, and are interested in hosting DEI Sails, please contact Rebecca Sheehy at

Hosting DEI Sails counts toward volunteer hours just like hosting MCOs. The cruises will be available on the normal reservation page (please make sure to only sign up for cruises if you identify as a member of the target audience).

Single-Handed Instruction

Interested in learning to single hand the Ideal 18’s? Single-handing a boat can be an exhilarating experience and highly satisfying encounter between the skipper, boat, and elements. There are, however, inherent dangers when sailing solo. The single-handed sailor cannot depend on another sailor’s opinion or tactical judgement, and they cannot rely on crew for equipment, weather, or health emergencies. For these reasons, the process provided during the instruction program should be carefully followed, and extra care and caution should be put into preparation and planning. The Sail Chicago wind guidelines and single-handing distance parameters must be followed. Finally, share a float plan with a trusted person on land and be sure and notify that person when you return. Check out the reservation page of to sign up for our Single-Handed Class on the Ideals.

… “no man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a jail; for being in a ship is being in a jail with a chance of being drowned”…

– David Grann, The Wager

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Catch up with the previous issues of The Telltale

Sail Chicago Mission Statement  |  Member Benefits  |  Fleet Locations  |  Member Log In  
Member Registration  |  Sail Chicago Rules and Regulations  |  Board Meeting Minutes
Instruction  |  Sailing Weather

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The Telltale: July, 2023

Sail Chicago Tell Tale
Issue 7: July, 2023

From the Editor

As you’ve most likely noticed by now, The Telltale has a new look and feel. It’s better, brighter, and more readable. This is thanks to Meighan Depke, a new Sail Chicago member, but one who learned to sail with us over twenty years ago when we were still a part of American Youth Hostels. Meighan is taking over as editor of our monthly newsletter.

I am leaving this position knowing that it will be in capable hands. While I’ve loved working on the newsletter, I realize that it’s time to move on. I have been honored to be of service in this capacity to the Sail Chicago community, and I’m grateful for the many folks who have contributed articles over the years. You all have truly helped to make The Telltale a success!

— Steve VanderVoort, Editor 2011-2023

We've Reached the End of an Era

It’s here — the first Sail Chicago newsletter in many years that hasn’t been edited by Steve Vandervoort. How many years, you ask? I’m not sure we know. The earliest newsletter in our online archive dates May, 2011. Who edited it? Yep, Steve Vandervoort!

For more than a decade, every month, Steve has been publishing this newsletter. He's been reaching out to Sail Chicago leadership and cajoling articles out of them. He's been carefully editing our mistakes. He's been choosing clip art and shrinking photos to provide us with a colorful, engaging read every month, for longer than many of us have been in the organization.

So a huge THANK YOU to Steve from all of us at Sail Chicago for many years of service! Be sure to thank him personally the next time you see him on the water!

— Gerry Stacy, Board Chairman

Upcoming Social Events

Sail Chicago’s July Happy Hour will be held Tuesday, July 25, at One North Kitchen and Bar at 1 North Upper Wacker Drive. Members +1 can enjoy a free drink and tasty appetizers.

Register today!

Mark your calendar for these social events:

2023 Family & Friends Picnic: Belmont Harbor, August 12, 10:00am-5:00pm
2023 End of Season Dinner October 12, 2023 Columbia Yacht Club, 6:30pm-9:30pm
September Happy Hour: dates and location TBD
New Skippers Social: Save the date: Thursday, October 5th 

Looking for Volunteer Opportunities?

These positions are still open this summer to fulfill your service time requirement:

Membership Coordinator: answer questions from members and prospective members about Sail Chicago. This easy job can be done from your computer in just a couple hours a month!

Volunteer Team Member: match members to volunteer opportunities.

Instruction Team Member: track student records and proctoring the US Sail Keelboat Certification exam.

Tiller Time Skipper: for skippers with more than two years experience, students are always looking for opportunities to practice!

Host Member Cruise Outings: a no-brainer for experienced skippers — even those with one year of experience. Reserve a boat for free and get out on the water with other Sail Chicago members. What could be better?

Signup on at Sail Chicago Volunteer Positiions or email

Free Rhodes 19 and Ideal 18 Orientations

Colgate skippers, would you like to expand your sailing possibilities? Consider getting oriented on one of our smaller keelboats, the Rhodes 19 or Ideals 18.

Both boats are fun to sail and quicker to maneuver than the Colgate, and have a different "feel" at the helm. Usage fees are less than the Colgate, and they can be sailed by as few as two people. Becoming qualified to sail a Rhodes or an Ideal can also give you more scheduling flexibility for private sails during busy times when other boats are in use.

To schedule an on-the-water orientation for either boat, visit mySailChicago and select Course Availability from the Instruction menu.

How to become a Sail Chicago Skipper!

In our local Chicago sailing community and around the nation, US Sailing instruction programs are known for being rigorous. Sail Chicago is here to help you navigate the steps to becoming a Sail Chicago Skipper.

Step 1. Successfully complete the Skipper Prep Class. Your instructor will sign your OTW Checkout Form and send it to the Skipper Records manager.

Step 2. Pass the Sail Chicago online written exam. You can study the Colgate Standards booklet along with our Rules and Regulations to prepare. Your Skipper Prep class instructor will send the link to this exam once you have checked out.

Step 3. Complete the Basic Keelboat Online Course at Once complete, upload your certificate to Sail Chicago’s Proof of Sailing Knowledge page.

With these three steps completed, our Skipper Records manager will update the membership directory to show your new skipper status!

In addition, Sail Chicago highly recommends taking the US Sailing Basic Keelboat Certification exam. The BKC exam and certification connects you with U.S. Sailing and includes a one-year membership. It is another measure of your basic keelboat knowledge and can replace the Basic Keelboat Online Course certificate from Boater Exam. It is a written test only and we encourage everyone to obtain the certification when they have a chance.

Mid Season and End-of-Season Checkouts

For those that don’t pass the On the Water Skipper Checkout with your instructor, you will have a second (and third) chance! This season Sail Chicago is introducing mid- and end-of-season checkouts. These are for students who have received a Plan of Improvement (POI) from their Skipper Prep class instructor. Only students who have received a POI should sign up for these checkouts. Take as many Tiller Times as you need, practice as much as you can, and sign up to check-out mid-season or end-of-season!

Colgate Litter Collection Program

Have you noticed that our beautiful lake suddenly has less litter? Our Colgate pilot program using collapsable nets to pull litter from the lake is working! There is still plenty to be done but every sailor who removes a piece of trash is adding to the beauty of Lake Michigan. Please participate!

Reminder: Self-Schedule Tiller Times and MCOs

Tiller Time (TT) and Member Cruise Outing (MCO) skippers now have the ability to schedule TT and MCO sails themselves! Create a reservation at as you would for a private sail. Under Reservation Type  choose the program sail that you plan to host — Cruise for MCO or TillerTime. Select yourself as the Skipper and the reservation will post and be available for signups.

Remember, you must schedule TTs or MCOs at least 48 hours in advance in order for the program options to appear.

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

The expression has existed since the 1600s and no, it doesn’t have to do with the guy in red with a tail, but to a seam around a ship’s hull near the water. When a sailor attempted to caulk this seam in heavy seas, he was in serious danger of failing overboard and drowning. Of course, if he didn’t caulk the seam, the ship could fill with water and sink. In other words, the sailor was faced with two awful choices: risk his life to repair the ship or risk the entire ship by not repairing it!

— Ed Schroeder

Become a Sail Chicago Instructor!

Interested in becoming a Sail Chicago Instructor? Check out Sail Chicago’s Instructor Prep Class. Last season we placed seven Instructor Candidates through this rich and comprehensive coaching program. The objective is to guide motivated skippers to become capable, safe teachers with Sail Chicago. We cover advanced sailing topics and the basic principles of teaching adults how to sail. The ultimate objective of the course is to reduce our year-to-year backlog of students hoping to learn to sail with Sail Chicago.

Candidates should have a minimum of two years Sail Chicago skipper experience, skipper a minimum of six Tiller Times, and be a confident and competent sailor. If you are interested or have questions, email Monte Lewis at

Basic Keelboat Instructor Course

This year Sail Chicago is once again hosting the US Sailing Basic Keelboat Instructor (BKI) evaluative course from September 8–10 at the Jackson Park Harbor Yacht Club. The BKI seeks to evaluate your skills as a sailor and teacher. If you pass the course, you are granted US Sailing’s BKI teaching certification. Sail Chicago will hold a series of on- and off-the-water events over the next two months to help sailors interested in preparing. A Zoom orientation for information will be held on July 5 from 7-8:30pm. Please email Tom Hertel at or Candace Kohli at if you are interested.

Teaching Aids on the Colgates

What’s that in the fuel compartment? It’s set of 6 double-sided laminated teaching aids that include a check list, points of sail, crew overboard, and NOAA charts for the Chicago area. 65% of students consider themselves visual learners, so next time you are out with your group, pull them out to enhance learning. We have also added a mini whiteboard and set of markers in the cooler to help our teachers further.

A Sail Chicago Treasure is Moving On

Jay Owens gave so much of his time, energy, and expertise to help make Sail Chicago the thriving community sailing organization it is today. He took on many significant roles including book keeper, Treasurer, Board Member, and maintenance crew team member and has been the epitome of what every volunteer organization wants and needs — a hard working, selfless team player. He and his charming wife Penny are moving on from Chicago to Fort Collins, Colorado where their daughter resides. Jay has said that although there isn’t much sailing in Colorado, he is looking forward to enjoying the mountain scenery. Cheerz Jay! We wish you and Penny all of the best!

Below is an expert from an article by Norris Larson about Jay.

Jay Owens, our bookkeeper and past treasurer, joined Sail Chicago (then American Youth Hostels Sail Chicago) in 1987. Shortly thereafter he became a skipper on the Rhodes, the Alberg 30 cruiser (Emotional Rescue), two pocket cruisers, and the Shields, a sleek 30-foot racing boat. His wife Penny also learned to sail after Jay agreed to marry her in church if she went sailing, too.

Jay taught classes, raced, and became treasurer for Sail Chicago. When Sail Chicago initiated its plan to separate from AYH, Jay applied his financial acumen to negotiate the break including the transfer of boat ownership to an independent Sail Chicago. Jay continued as treasurer well into the 2000s and now confines his volunteering to bookkeeping and routine maintenance work keeping our boats in the water.

As a retired CPA, Jay’s work as treasurer, bookkeeper, and financial negotiator is an excellent example of how members bring their professional skills to volunteer work and benefit Sail Chicago! Thanks Jay!

Welcome to Our New Bookkeeper!

Sail Chicago is happy to welcome Nicole Chen as Bookkeeper on the Sail Chicago Finance Team, replacing our long time Bookkeeper, Jay Owens. Nicole brings a great set of skills and knowledge to the role — she is a Certified Public Accountant and works professionally as an accounting manager. She has also worked as a financial auditor and controller, and is very familiar with financial statements and managing financial transactions. Please join me in welcoming Nicole.

Please review our Sail Chicago financial best practices:

Plan Ahead. To the extent possible, direct any and all Sail Chicago purchasing through our Purchasing Manager, Dana Smith. Dana is familiar with Sail Chicago vendors and suppliers, and is positioned to leverage our organization's purchasing power to get the best pricing and take advantage of available discounts. When you need to buy something on behalf of Sail Chicago, Dana is your main contact.

Make Sure It's in the Budget. When you identity the need for Sail Chicago to purchase something, please check with the appropriate Budget Owner. Each team lead whose role involves purchasing is a Budget Owner and prepares an annual budget to help us stay within our financial plan. When in doubt about who to ask, please contact Tim Rice at

Get Reimbursed. When urgency requires out-of-pocket expenses for a Sail Chicago purchase, you can get reimbursed after the fact. Email with a copy of the receipt(s) and a full description of the item(s) along with what budget they should be paid from. Always make sure it's in the budget, and contact Dana first to see if he can get Sail Chicago to pay for it instead of you.

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The Telltale: June, 2023

Sail Chicago Newsletter for June, 2023
Sailing for All

ISSUE #6/JUNE, 2023


By Steve VanderVoort, Telltale Editor

Here at last! Our sailing season on beautiful Lake Michigan has begun. Programs are underway, classes are full, racing is in full swing, social activities abound, and best of all, the weather looks great, at least for the next week or so. So let’s everyone get out there and sail! Just make sure that you remember our safety tips and guidelines. Always wear a lifejacket when you’re on a boat, faithfully complete the pre and post-sail checklists if you use a boat, and obey the Sail Chicago guidelines for wind and small craft warnings.

By Gerry Stacy, Board Chair

Instructors and Students, you'll find a new report on the Sail Chicago Data Hub this month.  We now have a report that lists the students who have met the prerequisites for Sail Chicago classes.  As a reminder, the Class Registration and Cancellation Policy requires that all students meet the following prerequisites before taking their first class, regardless of level: Students, we are tracking your attendance at PSO classes.  Once you have completed the online Basic Keelboat course, upload your course completion certificate here so we can verify it and mark this requirement as complete.  Once you have completed both these prerequisites, your name will appear in this online listing.
And instructors, you can now look for your students' names in this same online report to verify that they have all met their prerequisites.



The Season Opener party, held on the rail deck of the Columbia Yacht Club on May 20, was a great way to start the season. New members had an opportunity to witness the strong sense of community that our organization fosters, and old members had a chance to renew acquaintances and plan on-the-water outings with friends. A couple of pictures show that a good time was had by all.

Our Happy Hour for the month of June will be held on Thursday, June 15th at Slightly Toasted, 22 N. Clinton, from 5:30 to 7:30 PM.  Members and one guest can enjoy one free drink each and tasty appetizers. If you plan to attend, please register here.
Mark your calendar for the upcoming social events:
  • 2023 Family & Friends Picnic Belmont Harbor August 12, 2023 10:00am-5:00pm
  • 2023 End of Season Dinner October 12, 2023 Columbia Yacht Club 6:30pm-9:30pm
  • July and September Happy Hours are also being planned with dates and locations to be announced later.


Would you like to be able to sail a small fast boat? Well, our Ideal 18s may be the “ideal” choice for you! Orientations on this enjoyable little boat are open to current Colgate skippers at no charge.  We will be adding classes soon, so check the course catalog on to signup.


By Tim Rice

Sail Chicago is considering offering the Single-Handed Sailing class on either the Rhodes or Ideals later this season, most likely in August or September. The two-session class will provide sailors with a thorough overview of single-handing procedures on a Rhodes or Ideal, including emphasis on safety precautions, rigging the boat for single handing, performing basic sailing maneuvers without crew assistance, and solo training on critical tasks including departure from and returning to the mooring, reefing, in-irons recovery, heaving-to and anchoring. Ample practice time will be included in each on-the-water session.
Interested members must be a skipper on the boat to be single-handed and have recent experience sailing the boat during the current season. We are making this announcement now so that you will have time to gain some current season experience prior to the class. The class will be offered by Sail Chicago instructors who are experienced in single handing.
Interested members are asked to send an email to the Instruction mailbox ( to confirm their qualifications and confirm their interest in attending an August and/or September session of the course. Classes will then be scheduled based on the number of interested members and the availability of instructors.
If you have any questions about the single-handing course, please send an email to Tim Rice at


SailGP, the world’s most exciting racing on water, is back in Chicago for the Season 4 opening event Friday and Saturday, June 16-17, 2023. Nine national teams - including Jimmy Spithill’s USA team - will compete in high intensity sprint races just off Navy Pier, on next-level F50 catamarans that fly across the water at electrifying speeds.
If you’d like to get “up close and personal” to the race, you can bring a Sail Chicago boat and get access to the innermost edge of the public boating boundary close to the action. Book online to guarantee your place inside the racecourse exclusion zone. You will receive a souvenir flag providing exclusive access to the perfect position to enjoy both days of racing and  VHF live race commentary.  Boats without a flag will be held outside the US Coast Guard exclusion zone at least 200m behind flag bearing boats.
If you’d like to stay on land, you may also have access to the SailGP Stadium at the east end of Navy Pier, immediately adjacent to the racecourse with sweeping views of the racing and iconic Chicago skyline. For tickets, click here.


By Monte Lewis, Lead Instructor

Are you interested in becoming a Sail Chicago Instructor? Then check out the Instructor Prep Class. Last season we placed seven Instructor Candidates (IC’s) through this rich and comprehensive coaching program. The objective of the program is to guide motivated skippers to become capable, safe teachers with Sail Chicago. The program covers not only advanced sailing topics, but also basic principles of teaching adults how to sail. The program is unique in the sailing community, as most other "how to teach sailing" programs focus on youth. Of course, the ultimate objective of the new Instructor Prep course is to reduce our year-to-year backlog of students trying to get into classes.

Instructor Candidates should have a minimum of two years experience as a skipper at Sail Chicago, skipper a minimum of six Tiller Times and be a confident and competent sailor. If you are interested in the program or have any questions, you can reach Monte Lewis at


By Tom Hertel & Candace Kohli

Are you a Sail Chicago Skipper who is interested in taking your skills ‘to the next level’? If so, please read on!
This year, Sail Chicago is once again hosting the U.S. Sailing Basic Keelboat Instructor (BKI) evaluative course. This will take place over three days in early September. We will hold the course Sept. 8-10 at the Jackson Park Harbor Yacht Club. The BKI seeks to evaluate your skills as a sailor as well as a teacher. If you pass this course, you are granted US Sailing’s BKI teaching certification.
To help you prepare (this is the best part), we will be holding a series of on-the-water and off-the-water events over the two months prior to the course. This gives you a chance to learn how to single-hand a Colgate as well as take some additional on-line coursework to enrich your skills as an instructor. If you are an active Sail Chicago Instructor, we will reimburse you for the $425 registration fee, provided you pass the course. This year, we have a commitment from ‘Cappy Capper’ to run the course. Cappy is U.S. Sailing’s Head Instructor Trainer and the Head Coach of the University of Minnesota’s sailing team.
Recent graduates of the BKI course include: Daniel Hazlett, Selma Loesche, Geoff Skyles, Candace Kohli, Daniyar Nurgaliev, Manoel Conde, Iwona Awlasewicz and Scott Schaedel.
The BKI preparation and course activities are being coordinated by Tom Hertel and Candace Kohli. There will be a callout/orientation to provide further information on July 5 from 7-8:30pm via Zoom. Please contact Tom ( or Candace ( if you are interested in participating.


Whom to Contact
Need information on an area in Sail Chicago, but don't know who to contact? Just click here.
Sail Chicago Gear
Purchase gear with the Sail Chicago logo on it.  Caps, shirts, pants and other gear are available. To shop now, click here.
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You'll get updates, reminders, and other information on Sail Chicago events and activities. Click here

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You can always find the current issue and an archive of previous issues of The Telltale at the first (and open to the public) page of the Sail Chicago websiteLook under "News/Newsletter."


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The Telltale: May, 2023

Sail Chicago Newsletter for May, 2023
Sailing for All

ISSUE #5/MAY, 2023

By Steve VanderVoort, Telltale Editor

Spring is definitely here! The weather’s warmer, classes are full and the first ones start May 15. Our boats will be in the water in the next week or so, and we’re on our way to another successful sailing season. Let’s make this one the safest ever!
Perhaps it’s time to step back for a minute to thank all our volunteers who make this possible, particularly those who spent countless hours in the boatyard earlier this year when the weather wasn’t nearly so nice. It takes a lot of work to get our fleet into shape for the season, and we couldn’t do it without you. You allow us to keep our costs down and to therefore make the joy of sailing affordable for a much wider Chicago community.
Our thanks also go out to the volunteers on our IT staff who continue to make it easier for the rest of us to sign up for the programs that we’re interested in. Automation saves us tons of work that would have to be done by hand, thereby taking up valuable human resources that are better employed elsewhere. We’re grateful for your dedication and hard work.

By Gerry Stacy, Chair

During the offseason, the Board of Directors approved some changes to the  Sail Chicago Rules and Regulations.  Here's a summary of what's new:
  • Sail Further South:  The southern boundary for small keelboats has been extended to 67th Street.  You can now sail as far south as Jackson Park! (Rule 4.8.3).
  • New Members with Sailing Experience:  Everyone who joins Sail Chicago must pass our Skipper Prep course to be certified as a skipper.  However, the board, at its discretion, may decide to waive other new skipper requirements for members who come to Sail Chicago with significant past sailing experience and skill.  This allows highly skilled sailors to move more quickly into program sailing positions (e.g., instructors, tiller time skippers) where their experience is needed (Rules 4.13.3 and 4.14.3).
And with the start of the sailing season here, it's certainly a good time to reacquaint yourself with all the Rules and Regulations.  Take some time to read through them again!


When you set sail this summer in our small keelboats, you'll find new pre- and post-sail checklists to complete.  These new checklists connect directly to our reservations and boat maintenance system, and automatically notify the maintenance team when you report boat issues.  As a bonus, completing a pre- and post-sail checklist each time you sail populates a Sailing Resume report that you can use to keep track of your time on the water!

Every Ideal, Rhodes, and Colgate has laminated sheets with QR codes that you can scan to connect to these forms.  Or you can bookmark these links in your smartphone now:

We also have a new link that any non-member guests you bring aboard can use to complete the required waiver of liability. Remember, having your non-member guests complete the liability waiver is a requirement and part of our Rules and Regulations (Rule 4.13).

Here are some other things to keep in mind when using the pre- and post-sail checklist system:
  • You must have a reservation in the system in order to complete a pre-sail checklist.  Pre-sail checklists are tied directly to reservations.  You should not be sailing one of our boats without a reservation, ever.  This is a serious violation of the rules.
  • Pre-sail checklists must be completed while still at the mooring, before you set sail.  You'll only find your reservation in the pre-sail checklist on the day of your sail.
  • You have to complete a pre-sail checklist in order to complete a post-sail checklist.  You begin the post-sail checklist by selecting your corresponding pre-sail checklist.  This connects the two records together.
Have a wonderful summer out on the water!


By Deb Griffin, Social Coordinator

Season Kickoff - The 2023 Sailing Season Kickoff event is fast approaching!  It will be held at the Chicago Yacht Club Rail Deck on May 20th, from 3:00 to 5:00.  Please register here by May 9th so we can plan for the food and drinks.  CYC needs the order by May 10th.
Future Events - Mark your calendar!
  • 2023 Family & Friends Picnic - Belmont Harbor August 12, 2023 10:00am-5:00pm
  • 2023 End of Season Dinner - October 12, 2023 Columbia Yacht Club 6:30pm-9:30pm
  • Happy Hours - The June Happy Hour will be held on Thursday, June 15th at Slightly Toasted, 22 N. Clinton, from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. The sign-up for this event will be sent in the June newsletter. July and September Happy Hours are also being planned with dates and locations to be announced later.
Maritime Museum Visit - Sail Chicago's event at the Maritime Museum was featured in their newsletter. Take a look! 


By Rebecca Sheehy

The DEI Committee is excited to be bringing back DEI Sails for the 2023 season -- but we need your help to make them happen! These sails are similar to the traditional Member Cruise Outing, but are focused on specific groups that are under-represented in Sail Chicago (and in sailing generally). Last year we started with Women's and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Color) Cruises, and this year we'll be adding LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, Queer) Cruises! The cruises provide opportunities for our minority members to meet, connect, and sail with each other in a safe and supportive environment. But we need volunteers to make these cruises happen! If you identify as a woman, BIPOC, or LGBTQ+, have been a Skipper for at least a year, and are interested in hosting DEI Sails, please reach out to Rebecca Sheehy at Hosting DEI Sails counts toward volunteer hours just like hosting MCOs.
The cruises will be available on the normal reservation page. Please make sure to only sign up for cruises if you identify as a member of the target audience.


By Tom Simms

What could possibly make Lake Michigan even more beautiful?  How ‘bout removing litter!  Sail Chicago is implementing a pilot program to equip each Colgate with a net to remove lake litter. In addition to cleaning up the lake, netting litter can be good practice for “making an approach to a mooring.“  A successful pilot program will expand our efforts to include nets for our Ideals and Rhodes.


Do you have finance/accounting experience?  We need your help!
Jay Owens, our long-serving bookkeeper, is moving to Colorado this month!  We wish Jay smooth sailing and all the best in his new home and give him a huge THANK YOU for his many years of service.  However, this means that we need someone to pick up this important work.
If you have experience working in accounting or bookkeeping, please reach out to the volunteer team ( to explore helping out in this position.
Worried that this might be too much work?  While our organization is bustling with activity, our financial life is considerably more sedate.  You probably have more transactions in your checking account in a month than we do in six.  Please consider helping out!


Sail Chicago has a new requirement for all Program Skippers aimed at bolstering our collective preparedness and promoting safety.  Effective May 1, 2023, all Program Skippers are required to have passed US Sailing's Safety at Sea: Coastal online course in order to continue in these roles.  This requirement applies to all Instructors, Tiller Time Skippers, Member Cruise Outing Skippers, and Community Cruise Outing Skippers.  The course costs $50 ($45 if you're a US Sailing member), and Sail Chicago will reimburse you this cost once you provide proof of having passed the course. If you haven’t already completed the course and would like to remain a Program Skipper, please do so now.
You can upload your course completion certificate and apply for your reimbursement here.


By Pat Webster

There are so many ways that Sail Chicago members can support the organization, and Kenn Sinko has been one of our stand-out maintenance volunteers. He has been very involved with getting our 18 ft Ideals seaworthy each season for the last 9 years and maintaining Solstice throughout the season, as the Boat Manager. Sometimes Kenn feels the Ideals are “the orphans” of the fleet, since they are so different from the rest of the Sail Chicago boats. They are light, they sail in next to no air, they can be single handed (with prior training), and they are an easy sail off and on the mooring since they’re so close to the harbor mouth. However, they are relatively small boats, with no motors or lights, a downside for some. Skippers who sail the boats love them, and Kenn would encourage others to get out on the Ideals and give them a try. He is also encouraging others to get involved with the maintenance of both the Ideals and our other smaller keel boats, the Rhodes. Right now he would be happy to hand off the Solstice Boat Manager role to someone who is looking for that kind of position as he is turning more of his attention to maintaining Priorities, our 34 ft Hunter. (Contact him if you’re interested.) He enjoys both working on Priorities and sailing her, and has been part of that maintenance crew for the last 11 years. He was also involved with Emotional Rescue, the cruiser preceding Priorities. His hope is that our cruising program will expand, perhaps by purchasing another cruiser and doing more organized port-to-port cruises.
Kenn grew up near the Great Lakes in a suburb of Cleveland. Since then he has always lived in close proximity to the Great Lakes. His sailing career with Sail Chicago began in 2007 when his wife bought him a membership and a series of classes on the Rhodes, our teaching boat at the time. He appreciates the great instruction he received from former members Bob Lapin and (the late) John Lemon, learning how to maneuver in the harbor without a motor. In the more recent past he has taken the Navigation class preparing him for port-to-port sails. His hope is that our cruising program will expand, by doing more organized port-to-port cruises.
Kenn has been retired since 2017 from his career in automotive engineering, although he is still involved in the field. He possesses both a Masters and a PhD in mechanical engineering as well as an MBA. He and his wife live in Oak Park, where he plans to enjoy his new hobby of working on his recently purchased 64 Corvair Monza Convertible.
We wish him well and appreciate his service and continuing support of Sail Chicago.


Whom to Contact
Need information on an area in Sail Chicago, but don't know who to contact? Just click here.
Join or Renew Your US Sailing Membership at a Discount Through MVP
Sail Chicago members can join or renew their US Sailing membership at a $10 discount through the US Sailing Member Value Partner program.

Sail Chicago Gear
Purchase gear with the Sail Chicago logo on it.  Caps, shirts, pants and other gear are available. To shop now, click here.
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You'll get updates, reminders, and other information on Sail Chicago events and activities. Click here

Missing Previous Issues of The Telltale?
You can always find the current issue and an archive of previous issues of The Telltale at the first (and open to the public) page of the Sail Chicago websiteLook under "News/Newsletter."


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The Telltale: April, 2023

Sail Chicago Newsletter for April, 2023
Sailing for All

ISSUE #4/APRIL, 2023

By Steve VanderVoort, Telltale Editor

Spring is officially here, and it won’t be long before our fleet is in the water. But there’s a lot to do before that day arrives. Our boat teams need all kinds of help preparing our boats for a busy summer of sailing. Please review the list of volunteer positions on our website. Spending even a few hours at the boatyard during a weekend over the next few weeks will be a tremendous help.

Class registrations will be opening soon. Please keep an eye on our website and watch for notices in your inbox announcing specific times.The March issue of The Telltale has more information on how to register and registration and cancellation policies. You may wish to review it.

We’re looking forward to seeing you on the water soon!

By Don Burman

We're all ready for sailing!  After the winter and cold, wet spring who isn't ready for a change and a chance to sail again?

While we're eager to sail, have we prepared ourselves for the season?  Many members choose to purchase an inflatable PFD as one of their first sailing investments.  And it is a wise choice - they are more comfortable to wear when sailing, they provide more buoyancy than most foam vests and they often have a built-in whistle and a zippered pocket for your phone.

But these conveniences come at a price.  Besides the higher initial purchase cost, inflatable PFDs require periodic inspection and maintenance.  Unfortunately, many of us forget or dismiss these chores and grab our inflatable at the beginning of each season and have not made sure it will serve us in an emergency.

As we prepare for the season, please review the inspection and maintenance instructions for your PFD and perform the recommended periodic service.  Your PFD's instruction may differ from mine but here are some typical service items for your inflatable PFD:

  • Ensure the zippers of Velcro are in good shape and keep the PFD closed.
  • Ensure the buckles open and close properly and that all webbing and straps are undamaged.
  • Check if any items have expiration dates and that none have been exceeded.
  • Open the inflatable PFD and inspect it for any signs of wear, rips or tears that may compromise its operation. Inspect it closely, like your life depends on it - because it does.
  • Manually inflate the device and leave it sit for 12-18 hours. After that time, check that it is still as full and firm as when you inflated it.  If it feels less firm there may be a slight leak that should be sent back to the manufacturer for service or replace the PFD. My PFDs recommend I do this at the beginning of the season and every two months. 
  • Weigh the CO2 cylinder. The minimum weight is stamped on the cylinder. If it is below the minimum weight, it may have a leak and should be replaced.
  • Replace the bobbin every 3 years. The bobbin contains a substance like an aspirin.  When it gets wet, it melts and allows the spring activated trigger to pierce the CO2 cylinder and inflate the PFD.
  • Be sure the whistle is in place and that the lanyard is in good condition. Replace the lanyard if it is worn.
  • Before repacking make sure the bobbin is in place, the CO2 cylinder is installed properly and the service indicator is GREEN (if yours has a service indicator).  Also, be sure to place the dust cap back on the manual inflation tube.
  • Carefully deflate the PFD and repack it according to your manufacturer's instructions.
  • There are a wide variety of inflators in PFDs - be sure to follow the instructions for inspecting yours.

For foam PFD's, inspect the shell for rips or tears.  Replace any PFD with visible rips or tears.

We all are eager to sail, let's be ready to do it safely!


By Gerald Moose Stacy, Volunteer Coordinator

Are you looking for a way to meet your service time requirement this season? We have many opportunities available that range from helping out with boat maintenance, to helping plan events, to moving our DEI initiatives forward, to answering questions from prospective members, and more. Whatever your schedule, your skills, or your inclination, the volunteer team can help you find an opportunity that works for you.  You can browse all the open opportunities on the volunteer website, but here are a few places where we could use your help:
  • The Membership Coordinator helps answer questions from members and prospective members about what it's like to be part of Sail Chicago, questions about classes, etc.
  • Rigging Volunteers manage, inspect, and maintain the rigging for the small keelboats (Colgates, Rhodes and Ideals) during the offseason.
  • If you're a skipper with at least one year of sailing experience, volunteer to be a Member Cruise Outing (MCO) Skipper and take other members out for a sail!  Get out on the water and meet other members while fulfilling your service time requirement!
  • Finally, the Volunteer Team could use additional volunteers to help match members to volunteer opportunities.
You can sign up for any of these positions here. Or just reach out to the volunteer team at


By Ashleigh Luttery, DEI Coordinator

The Sail Chicago Scholarship Program is part of our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion initiative with the intent to provide access and encourage participation for those not traditionally well-represented within our organization. Following a successful inaugural Scholarship Program last season, we are in the process of selecting recipients for the 2023 season.  We are hoping to offer the Sail Chicago Scholarship recipients the opportunity to be paired with 1 or 2 Sail Chicago “boating buddies” who can show them the ropes (no pun intended!), help them navigate the organization, and perhaps even take them sailing. This is a great way to help support new sailors and share your experience and love of sailing! If you are interested in being a “boating buddy,” please contact us at


By Gerald Moose Stacy, Chair

Unless you're new to Sail Chicago, you're probably aware of the close relationship we have with the Columbia Yacht Club and the big boat in Monroe Harbor ("Abegweit") that they call home.  Columbia allows us to use their dock space for maintenance on our boats and provides us with space for many of our meetings, events, and on-shore classes.  They have been a friendly, supportive partner of our organization for many years, and it is in that spirit of friendship that I'm letting you know about a Spring Membership Promotion they're currently running.  Now through the end of May, Columbia is offering a 75% discount on their initiation fee.  This is a huge discount for everyone, but for those of you under age 30, this means that the cost of joining Columbia is probably less than the last dinner you ate at a restaurant.  If you have ever thought about exploring membership at Columbia, now is probably the best time to do so.
Several Sail Chicago members are also members of Columbia and would be happy to sponsor you for membership.  If you're interested in learning more, please reach out to Don Burman (


By Pat Webster

As one Racing Skipper commented, “I sure would like to know more about Robert Tepper”. Robert is well known in the Sail Chicago Racing Program as he has been a stalwart participant in the Colgate 26 racing program since its inception. He has supported the program as a Coach, as an Assistant Coach (in the initial development of the program), and currently he provides guidance as a Racing Skipper most Wednesday evenings. This involves promoting responsible cooperative sailing, something Robert truly enjoys. Robert is one of those Sail Chicago member/volunteers who really gives his all to the organization. Not only has he been heavily involved in the racing program, but also contributes as an Instructor, teaching Crew classes, as an MCO (Member Cruise Outing) Skipper and as a Tiller Time Skipper.
Robert began his sailing career at the young age of 10 in summer camp in Lake Mendota in Madison. After that he had various sailing experiences including sailing a Star 23, an Olympic keelboat (a racing boat) in 1969 for about a year. Then in the 1980s he owned a 13 foot Ghost centerboard boat, which he trailered to Fox Lake. Robert resumed sailing and became most involved with the sport when he joined Sail Chicago in 2007. He started taking lessons at the urging of his wife, after enjoying sailing a 13 foot Hobie Wave in Mexico while they were vacationing there. She was concerned about safety. Given his previous sailing experience, he rather quickly checked out as a Sail Chicago Skipper, completing the equivalent of what is now our First Mate classes. He has been contributing ever since.
What Robert most enjoys about Sail Chicago, besides the easy access to affordable sailing, are our members. He finds them to be “uniformly very nice people”. He can also easily find crew through our MCO program and enjoys skippering our Cruisers as part of that program. In addition Robert likes being able to fulfill his service time requirement by getting involved with those aspects of sailing he enjoys most.
In addition to his involvement with sailing and Sail Chicago, Robert has been quite busy with home and career. He completed law school in 1969 and continues as a practicing attorney, doing litigation between businesses. He and his wife reside on the near north side of Chicago.
Thank you, Robert, for your contribution to Sail Chicago!


Whom to Contact
Need information on an area in Sail Chicago, but don't know who to contact? Just click here.
Join or Renew Your US Sailing Membership at a Discount Through MVP
Sail Chicago members can join or renew their US Sailing membership at a $10 discount through the US Sailing Member Value Partner program.

Sail Chicago Gear
Purchase gear with the Sail Chicago logo on it.  Caps, shirts, pants and other gear are available. To shop now, click here.
Like us on Facebook
You'll get updates, reminders, and other information on Sail Chicago events and activities. Click here

Missing Previous Issues of The Telltale?
You can always find the current issue and an archive of previous issues of The Telltale at the first (and open to the public) page of the Sail Chicago websiteLook under "News/Newsletter."


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The Telltale: March, 2023

Sail Chicago Newsletter for March, 2023
Sailing for All

ISSUE #3/MARCH, 2023

By Steve VanderVoort, Telltale Editor

The weather's a bit warmer, and that signals perhaps Spring may be just around the corner. And things are certainly heating up at Sail Chicago! A lot is starting to happen as we prepare for another fantastic sailing season on our beloved Lake Michigan. Just look above at the Table to Contents to see what's happening, but then make sure that you get all the details by reading this newsletter completely through. You'll find that exciting things are happening, and we don't want you to miss out on something you might enjoy!


By Gerry Stacy, Board Chair

The election for the Sail Chicago Board of Directors opened this past Tuesday, February 28.  All Sail Chicago members who have paid their 2023 membership fee are eligible to vote.  Current members have been e-mailed links to their online ballots, so check your e-mail (and your spam folder!) to look for your invitation to vote.  And if you have not yet renewed your membership, you will be e-mailed a link to your ballot no more than 24 hours after you renew.

Voting will close with the start of the Annual Meeting on Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at 7:00 pm.  In order to ensure that you receive a ballot and are able to vote, please renew your membership no later than noon on Tuesday, March 7.  And please plan to attend the Annual Meeting, where the results of the election will be announced.  You can find information about the Annual Meeting including an online link to attend on the landing page of


By Rich Costello, Maintenance Coordinator

Come join your friends and other Sail Chicago members at the Canal Street Marina, 2059 S Canal Street in  Chicago on Saturday April 1, 10:00 am to Noon, rain or shine. This is a great opportunity to see our fleet drydocked and all in one spot. Did you ever wonder what's under the waterline on a boat that you're sailing? Well, now's  your chance to find out. See our maintenance teams at work and discover the fun involved in getting our fleet ready for the coming sailing season. Also, get a first peek at the newest addition to our Colgate fleet, Cretin Hop and see our newest maintenance trailer. Our Maintenance Teams and Social Committee are joint sponsors of this event. If you'd like to share in the free donuts and coffee that will be available, please register here so that we can know how many people will be coming.

Things you can do when you get there, or simply walk around on your own.
  • 10:00 am Registration and meet and greet
  • 10:30 am Tour of the boat yard and the Sail Chicago fleet
  • 11:00 am Scavenger hunt
  • 11:30 am Knot tying demonstration and competition
  • 12:00 pm Attendees are invited to come to lunch in nearby Chinatown, pay-your-own-way

By Gerry Stacy, Board Chair

Sail Chicago has a new requirement for all Program Skippers aimed at bolstering our collective preparedness and promoting safety.  Effective May 1, 2023, all Program Skippers are required to have passed US Sailing's Safety at Sea: Coastal online course in order to continue in these roles.  This requirement applies to all Instructors, Tiller Time Skippers, Member Cruise Outing Skippers, and Community Cruise Outing Skippers.  The course costs $50 ($45 if you're a US Sailing member), and Sail Chicago will reimburse you this cost once you provide proof of having passed the course.

You can upload your course completion certificate and apply for your reimbursement here.

By Gerry Stacy, Board Chair

The days are getting longer, brighter, and warmer.  Spring is getting closer.  And that means that sailing is on the horizon!  The instruction program is gearing up, and we're eager to welcome both our returning students and all the new students who are looking to give sailing a try.

We're still finalizing our 2023 schedule of classes, but here's some information about how our course rollout will take place this season.

  • We will publish the schedule of classes by late March.  Everyone will have several days to review the course schedule before registration opens.  And remember: you don't have to be a member to see the class schedule or register for classes.  If you find a class that fits your schedule, you can pay your membership fee at the same time you register for the class.
  • Our registration rollout will begin with students who completed the First Mate class last year.  They will be given several days to register for Skipper Prep classes.  We hope this wave will start before the end of March.
  • After this first wave, we will open registration to students who completed the Crew class last year.  They will be given several days to register for First Mate and Skipper Prep classes.  We hope this wave will start in early April
  • Finally, by mid-April, we will open our entire course schedule and our Crew classes to the public.

Demand for our classes is very high, and the fact is that our learn-to-sail courses will likely fill up completely before the season even begins.  But people's plans change and seats do open up through the summer.  So, as in past years, we will maintain waitlists for each class, and we'll do our best to get as many students into classes this summer as we can!


With the start of the 2023 instruction season, Sail Chicago is rolling out a new registration and cancellation policy which provides information to students on everything from selecting the right class to dropping classes, class cancellations and makeups, and refunds.  You can read the new policy here and on the Sail Chicago website.  And all students will be asked to acknowledge that they have read and understand the policy when they register for classes on


By Rachel Granneman

Thank you to the 125 people who completed the 2022 Membership survey! The survey is a great way for the DEI Committee and Sail Chicago leadership to track not only demographics but also satisfaction and feedback across many programs and areas.
A few interesting data points from this year’s survey (please keep in mind that this was an entirely voluntary survey and that information has not been validated):

  • The #1 reason that people joined Sail Chicago is that it is an inexpensive way to sail (80% selected this as one of the reasons – multiple reasons could be selected); other top reasons included that Sail Chicago offers sailing classes (73.6%), and that Sail Chicago has boats available for private reservations (65.6%).
  • The largest age bracket was 35-44 (with 24.8% of respondents), the next bracket was 55-64 (19.2%) and then 25-34 (15.2%).
  • A large majority of members identify as male (72.8%), with 22.5% identifying as female, and the remainder choosing not to answer. This appears to reflect some progress toward greater female representation, as a larger percentage (78%) of respondents identified as male in the 2020 survey.
  • A large majority of members identify as white or Caucasian (86.4%), which is more than in 2020, which indicates that there is still a lot of work to do for Sail Chicago’s membership to reflect the general demographics of the Chicago area.
  • About 5% of members identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, which is less than in 2020, indicating that there is still work to do for Sail Chicago’s membership to reflect the general demographics of the Chicago area.
  • There is strong overall satisfaction with Sail Chicago and its various programs; for most of these questions, the most-selected answer (on a scale of 1 to 4, with 4 indicating the highest level of satisfaction) was 4 for most questions; there were only 3 questions where “3” was the most-selected answer, indicating a desire for more classes, MCOs, and opportunities for non-Skippers to go sailing.

By Ashleigh Luttery 

The DEI Committee is continuing our scholarship program as part of Sail Chicago’s commitment to increase diversity, equity, and inclusivity among its members within the organization as well as in the sport of sailing. The goal is to promote the sport of sailing to groups that have historically faced barriers to participation, such as people of color in the United States and people from low socioeconomic households. These barriers have included racial segregation in/exclusion from boating clubs, actual or perceived lack of access or acceptance, and/or high costs of participation in the sport. 

The application is open until March 18, 2023. Recipients will participate in Sail Chicago’s beginner Crew classes (including Pre-Sail Orientation and US Sailing Basic Keelboat online course fees), have membership fees covered, along with priority access to class sign up. New this year, scholarship recipients will also have Racing sign up fees covered if they complete their Crew course and would like to try Racing!

If you know someone within your network who may be interested in applying, please share the application link here. The application can also be found on Sail Chicago’s homepage banner at


By Gerry Stacy, Board Chair

As we all look forward to the start of the 2023 sailing season, the volunteerism team would like to remind you to start thinking about how you’re going to contribute to the life of our organization this year.  There are many opportunities to fulfill your service time requirement which can take advantage of the skills and abilities you already have, or perhaps teach you something new.

  • Our volunteerism site is now showing all the positions available for 2023.  If you reported your volunteering hours last year and indicated that you wanted to continue in your current assignment, you've probably been re-assigned to that same position or positions.  You can check your 2023 volunteer assignments on the volunteering website, too.

  • If you’re considering joining Sail Chicago as a new member, remember that your service time requirement is waived for your first year.

  • Returning members, if you don’t think you’ll have time to meet your service time requirement in 2023, please get in touch with the volunteering team at  The team can adjust your account so you can select and pay for the Service Time Waiver when you renew your membership.  This will waive your need to volunteer during the current season.

  • And remember, if you fail to meet your service time requirement in 2023, either because you didn’t volunteer for a position or you failed to fulfill the responsibilities of the position you were assigned, you will be required to pay a service time waiver for the 2023 season before you can renew your membership in 2024.

There are plenty of volunteer opportunities available each season, and many of them can be carried out in just a few hours each month.  If you're not sure where to start or what you'd like to do, reach out to the volunteer team at  And keep an eye out for the Volunteer Job Fair which we will host later this spring.  It will give you a chance to meet with leaders in all of Sail Chicago's programs and explore ways you can contribute.


By Tim Rice

We are looking for a few motivated and organized Sail Chicago members to help lead one of our Rhodes 19 boat teams. No experience is necessary, we will train you on the job. All that is needed is a strong willingness to learn. The primary duties are assuming shared responsibility for one of our Rhodes 19 boats and helping to lead a small team of volunteers during pre-season, in-season, and post-season maintenance. You should either be a Rhodes 19 skipper or be on the path toward becoming one. Our pre-season maintenance begins in April, so now is the time to get involved. If you have any questions or if you are interested, please contact Tim Rice at


Are you looking for a volunteer opportunity that you can:
  1. Do at home?
  2. Do in your spare time?
  3. Make a huge contribution to Sail Chicago?
Look no further!

We recently switched the service that we use to publish this newsletter.  But before we can cancel the subscription to our old newsletter publisher, we need to download and store all of our old newsletters that are stored on that site.  This is an easy task that can be done from home on your computer.  We'll walk you through how to do this work then you can work at your own pace to finish the job.  This will help us to preserve our history and maintain the newsletter archive on our website.

If you think you can help us out, please get in touch with the volunteer team at  We really need someone's help with this!


By Doug Sink

We’re looking for a team to create instruction videos this season. The video team will create the content, record the video, edit and post on our Sail Chicago YouTube channel. Interested? Do you have video production skills? To prepare we'll have a pre-season meeting. Please contact me at or 630-418-1318.

By Jack & Deb Griffin, Social Coordinators

The Sail Chicago social calendar is getting into full swing.  Here are some upcoming dates that you should post to your calendar. More information will follow later.
  • 2023 Spring Kickoff Party Columbia Yacht Club May 20, 2023  3:00pm-5:00pm
  • 2023 Family & Friends Picnic Belmont Harbor August 12, 2023 10:00am-5:00pm
  • 2023 End of Season Dinner October 12, 2023 Columbia Yacht Club 6:30pm-9:30pm
  • Happy Hours for the months of June, July and September are also being planned with dates and locations to be announced later.

By Kenn Sinko

If you’ve ever admired lighthouses from a distance and wondered what it might be like to spend a week in one as a volunteer “keeper”, here is your chance.  The Grand Traverse Lighthouse Museum located at the tip of Michigan’s little finger has vacancies in their volunteer keeper’s program.  As a keeper, you live on site in part of the Grand Traverse Lighthouse, while your duties for the week involve guest services to the visiting public and varied maintenance tasks.  General information on the keeper program is available here. And there is an online calendar that shows which weeks have keeper vacancies.  Sail Chicago member Kenn Sinko and his wife have been keepers on multiple occasions, and found it to be a fascinating experience.

By Dan Pilch

Sail Chicago will be hosting a Basic Navigation charting course again this year.  Keep an eye on Sail Chicago's Slack messages and the online class schedule for details.


Sail Chicago members had a great time at the Chicago Maritime Museum on January 21. After examining all of the exhibits and learning about the city's great maritime history, there was plenty of time to socialize with fellow members and with museum staff. If you'd like to see some photos of the event, please click here.


Every two years U.S. Sailing surveys one design racers across the country. The results of the 2022 survey were presented at the recent U.S. Sailing Leadership Forum. Sail Chicago members, particularly those participating in our racing program, may be interested in those results. They contain a lot of useful information. To view the results of the survey, please click here.


On June 16-17 Navy Pier will be transformed into the SailGP Race Village featuring stadium viewing – the only way to watch the racing from land. Tickets start at $35 and are on sale now. For more information, click here.


Who to Contact
Need information on an area in Sail Chicago, but don't know who to contact? Just click here.
Join or Renew Your US Sailing Membership at a Discount Through MVP
Sail Chicago members can join or renew their US Sailing membership at a $10 discount through the US Sailing Member Value Partner program.

Sail Chicago Gear
Purchase gear with the Sail Chicago logo on it.  Caps, shirts, pants and other gear are available. To shop now, click here.
Like us on Facebook
You'll get updates, reminders, and other information on Sail Chicago events and activities. Click here

Missing Previous Issues of The Telltale?
You can always find the current issue and an archive of previous issues of The Telltale at the first (and open to the public) page of the Sail Chicago website.Look under "News/Newsletter."


Click on the links below to find more information about Sail Chicago.
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The Telltale: February, 2023

Sail Chicago Newsletter for February, 2023
Sailing for All


By Steve VanderVoort, Telltale Editor

It's the dead of winter and there's not a boat to be seen on our beloved Lake Michigan, but there's still some activity for Sail Chicago. We've got an annual meeting coming up where we'll summarize for our members our past season's events and activities, look to our ambitious plans for the future, and elect directors to our Board, the group that sets policy and plans the future of Sail Chicago (see article below).

The Boy Scout motto "Be Prepared" is a good one to follow. This might be a good time to check your own personal sailing equipment. Do you have the appropriate warm and waterproof clothing for those cool and brisk sails early in the season? Do those old sailing gloves need to be replaced? If you have an inflatable PFD, does the canister need to be replaced. Do you have a wide-brimmed hat and water bottle handy for those hot and sunny days ahead? Do you have a whistle you can carry with you in the off-chance that you may fall overboard? Checking your equipment now helps to promote a safe and fun sailing season in the future.


By Gerry Stacy, Board Chair

Remember that the Sail Chicago Annual Meeting of the Membership will take place next month on Tuesday, March 7 from 7:00 - 9:00 pm.  This is a chance to hear about the state of our organization from leaders in all of our program areas and to get a preview of what's ahead for Sail Chicago in 2023.  The annual meeting is also when terms begin for new members of the Sail Chicago board.  Voting for board members will take place online beginning Tuesday, February 28 and will close at the start of the Annual Meeting.  And remember, you must be a member in good standing in order to vote in the election.  This means you must have paid your membership fee for 2023 and met your service time requirement - or paid the waiver - for 2022.

And if you're thinking of running for the Sail Chicago board, it's not too late!  Nominations for the board are due February 10.  Instructions for running for the board can be found here.  We encourage everyone to consider this opportunity to participate in the leadership of our organization.


By Rich Costello, Maintenance Coordinator

Come join your friends and other Sail Chicago members at the Canal Street Marina, 2059 S Canal Street in  Chicago on Saturday April 1, 10:00 am to Noon. This is a great opportunity to see our fleet drydocked and all in one spot. Did you ever wonder what's under the waterline on a boat that you're sailing? Well, now's  your chance to find out. See our maintenance teams at work and discover the fun involved in getting our fleet ready for the coming sailing season. Also, get a first peek at the newest addition to our Colgate fleet, Cretin Hop. Our Maintenance Teams and Social Committee are joint sponsors of this event. More details are coming soon.


By Gerry Stacy, Board Chair

As we all look forward to the start of the 2023 sailing season, the volunteerism team would like to remind you to start thinking about how you’re going to contribute to the life of our organization this year.  There are many opportunities to fulfill your service time requirement which can take advantage of the skills and abilities you already have, or perhaps teach you something new.
  • Our volunteerism site is now showing all the positions available for 2023.  If you reported your volunteering hours last year and indicated that you wanted to continue in your current assignment, you've probably been re-assigned to that same position or positions.  You can check your 2023 volunteer assignments on the volunteering website, too.
  • If you’re considering joining Sail Chicago as a new member, remember that your service time requirement is waived for your first year.
  • Returning members, if you don’t think you’ll have time to meet your service time requirement in 2023, remember to select and pay for the Service Time Waiver when you renew your membership.  This will waive your need to volunteer during the current season.
  • Remember, if you fail to meet your service time requirement in 2023, either because you didn’t volunteer for a position or you failed to fulfill the responsibilities of the position you were assigned, you will be required to pay a service time waiver for the 2023 season before you can renew your membership in 2024.
There are plenty of volunteer opportunities available each season, and many of them can be carried out in just a few hours each month.  If you're not sure where to start or what you'd like to do, reach out to the volunteer team at  And keep an eye out for the Volunteer Job Fair which we will host in March.  It will give you a chance to meet with leaders in all of Sail Chicago's programs and explore ways you can contribute.


By Pat Webster

Have you met someone in Sail Chicago that you thought has made a great contribution to the organization? Someone who does just a little more than most member volunteers? Sail Chicago depends on our member volunteers to keep the boats in the water and keep all aspects of the organization functioning. Without all of us contributing, we would cease to exist. 

A couple of seasons ago the Sail Chicago Board decided to  recognize individuals throughout the year rather than wait until the End of the Season dinner to honor them, as had been our tradition. Instead we began spotlighting volunteers in the newsletter, based on Board member recommendations. 

We would like to broaden our reach and are asking all of our members to consider identifying those who should be recognized. If you would like to recommend someone, please contact Pat Webster with the person's name and a sentence or two about them, maybe how you know them and why you think they should be recognized. Also, we have generally stayed away from honoring Board Members, so please limit your suggestions to the general membership pool. Your help is much appreciated.


By Gerry Stacy, Board Chair

When you log into your account at, you'll notice a new addition to our landing page, an events calendar!

Sail Chicago now has a Google Calendar that includes upcoming meetings, social events, and other items of interest.  You can view the calendar online or subscribe to it using your favorite calendar app.

A huge thanks to Shawn Joseph and the other members of the Social Committee for giving us this great new tool!


Who to Contact
Need information on an area in Sail Chicago, but don't know who to contact? Just click here.
Join or Renew Your US Sailing Membership at a Discount Through MVP
Sail Chicago members can join or renew their US Sailing membership at a $10 discount through the US Sailing Member Value Partner program.

Sail Chicago Gear
Purchase gear with the Sail Chicago logo on it.  Caps, shirts, pants and other gear are available. To shop now, click here.
Like us on Facebook
You'll get updates, reminders, and other information on Sail Chicago events and activities. Click here

Missing Previous Issues of The Telltale?
You can always find the current issue and an archive of previous issues of The Telltale at the first (and open to the public) page of the Sail Chicago website.Look under "News/Newsletter."


Click on the links below to find more information about Sail Chicago.
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The Telltale: January, 2023

Sail Chicago Newsletter for January, 2023
Sailing for All


By Steve VanderVoort, Telltale Editor

After the bomb cyclone that hit Chicago at the end of December, things have gone pretty quiet. It's too cold to work in the boatyard, and about all we can do is dream of new sailing adventures in 2023. A few of us lucky ones are off to more temperate climes where we can still sail. I'm one of them, heading to the British Virgin Islands for a bareboat excursion with my family.

Still, there are things to do right here in Chicago to keep us thinking about sailing. Please join other Sail Chicago members later in the month for a trip to the Chicago Maritime Museum (see below), or just curl up with a good sea-faring adventure like Moby Dick, the Horatio Hornblower series by C.S. Forester, or the Aubrey-Martin series by Patrick O'Brian. If you've got other favorite titles, let me know and we'll share them in this newsletter.


By Deb & John Griffin, Social Coordinators

Join us for socializing and learning about Chicago's great maritime history! Members and their families are invited.

We will have appetizers and beverages (water, soft drinks, beer, wine and seltzers) in the gathering area, but they are not allowed in the actual museum area. Docents will be available to answer questions.

Parking is free and should be ample, but depending on other events going on, it may be a bit crowded. Please visit their website for mass transportation information. The address for the museum is 1200 West 35th Street Chicago, IL 60609. Registration is required. To register, click here. Capacity is limited to 80 people, so if you plan to join us, please register soon.


By Rachel Granneman, Board 

Sail Chicago’s Annual Members Meeting will be held Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at 7 PM. The current plan is for the meeting to be held virtually / online. The meeting will include a presentation from Board members and program leads updating members on last year’s season and plans for 2023. As always, an important element of the Annual Meeting is the election for board members!  

This year we will be filling 5 Board seats. Four of the vacancies are the normal 3-year term, and 1 seat is filling a vacancy for a two-year term.  The 4 candidates with the most votes will win the 3-year terms and the candidate with the 5th highest number of votes will win the 2-year term. As with any Board seat, the winner of the shorter term may seek re-election after their initial term is up. 

Important dates and links:

  • Current Board members will be hosting an informal meet-the-Board and Q&A about serving on the Board and the election process on Tuesday, January 17 at 7:00 PM using this link

  • Instructions for running for a Board seat are here

  • Board candidate information forms and nomination forms are due Friday, February 10.

  • Voting will open through the portal on Tuesday, February 28 and close during the Annual Meeting on Tuesday, March 7.


At the Fall Sail Chicago Instructor Meeting, Matt Stuczynski stepped down as lead instructor after serving eight years since 2014. Our new lead instructor is Monte Lewis, who has been teaching Crew, Skipper Prep and Cruising classes. Monte has been running the prep program for the instructors who wish to attend the US Sailing Basic Keelboat Instructor (BKI) and introduced the new Instructor Prep Class in the 2022 season. Monte says, "My goal is to continue to improve both quantity and quality of our instruction program, so that we are not only known as the best deal on the water, but also the best instruction program in the Chicago area”.


By Monte Lewis, Lead Instructor

A good sailor knows more than just the mechanics of sail trim and steering, and good seamanship is more than the ability to perform those tasks. Competent sailors know how to handle the boat and sails in a wide range of wind and sea conditions, skills that require practice and experience.

Safety also plays a vital role in good seamanship. Knowing how to handle dangerous situations on the water, even when you are not sailing, will save lives. Starting this season, Sail Chicago Instructors and program skippers (TT Skippers, MCO Skippers, and CCO Skippers) will have to pass US Sailing's Safety at Sea online course before they can continue in their role. The online class is four to five hours long and covers: Giving Assistance, Personal Safety Gear, Crew Overboard Rescue, Emergency Communication, Search and Rescue.

This course is for inland and coastal sailors and is designed to provide our instructors with essential safety information they can use immediately on the water.  Of course, it is appropriate for anyone who sails, cruises or races on both inland and coastal waters. You can find the class on US Sailing's online learning portal


By Gerry Stacy, Chairman

We're ringing in the new year at Sail Chicago by welcoming a new addition to our fleet.  Cretin Hop is a 2015 Colgate 26 that has been a part of the Chicago racing scene for a number of years.  She won the Inshore Verve Cup in her division in both 2015 and 2019.  Cretin Hop will provide us with a backup boat for classes and racing, hopefully taking some time pressure off of our summer maintenance team should one of our other boats need a substantial repair.  Look for her in the harbor this summer!


By Laura Waas, Boat Show Coordinator

Sail Chicago will no longer be participating in the Chicago Boat Show. Over the years the Sail portion of the show appeared to get smaller and smaller. With Covid restrictions it made it difficult to hold the shows and for some reason, probably cost and hassle, all the Sailboat manufacturers decided to no longer attend.

If you are thinking of purchasing tickets for the show, be sure to check the Exhibitor List that has finally been posted on the website, as you may be disappointed in what you see. Not even the RV’s are there anymore. Since there is such a large sailing community here in Chicago, it’s really a shame that there is nothing in this part of the country.

If you’d like to go to a Sail show you’ll either have to go to Annapolis (I highly recommend this great city. I went last year) or Miami, a very spread-out show in multiple locations. I guess it is the end of an era. Our sole purpose for these shows was to recruit members, but social media and internet searches have done that job for us. Wishing all our members a very Happy and Healthy 2023!


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