Maintenance Volunteer Opportunities
If you have been counting, yes, we have eliminated nearly 80 maintenance volunteer positions between the Boat Teams and mast step/un-step. However, 20-30 new positions have been created for the RIB Maintenance Teams, and up to 20 positions have always been left unfilled each year. The winter/spring boatyard work offers unlimited opportunities to learn maintenance techniques and satisfy your volunteer hours requirement.
Available Now: 3-4 virtual positions for processing work orders, data entry, and analysis. Contact Rich Costello via Slack.
Winter/spring: Boatyard volunteers are needed to prepare the fleet for the upcoming season. We meet every Saturday (February through April) from 10am to 2pm, weather permitting. Watch for announcements in Slack for sign-ups (available soon). These sign-ups are your best chance to satisfy volunteer requirements early.
Summer: The RIB Maintenance Team (new) sign-up will take place in March. RIB Skippers must be trained and checked out on the RIB. We anticipate 10 RIB Skippers and 10 RIB Crew. Watch for announcements in Slack.
Spring and fall river trips along with mast stepping/un-stepping will be the same as last year, and we will utilize SignUp Genius once we have firm dates. Specialty Teams (electrical, essential equipment, and tops/bottom hull repairs) will also be the same as last year.
Please monitor Slack closely so that you can get the volunteer job you want before it is taken. We will be on the water before you know it!
For questions or comments, please DM Richard Costello, Maintenance Coordinator, in Slack.