The Telltale: December, 2022

Sail Chicago Newsletter for December, 2022
Sailing for All


By Steve VanderVoort, Telltale Editor

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over and gone. Winter is here and the Holidays are ahead of us. It's a busy time of the year, but perhaps we can take a few minutes to reflect on this past sailing season, on-the-water adventures we had, new friends we made, and the good times with our sailing buddies. And let's, for a moment, reflect on the bigger picture....

This organization is unique in the Chicago area, a true community sailing program that promotes sailing opportunities for people in our diverse Chicago community who might otherwise find sailing unaffordable. It's supported by our members, both financially and through their volunteer efforts. We can be proud of the hard work we all put in during year and be grateful for the opportunity to help sustain this vital organization.


As we are getting ready for next season, we want to acknowledge and welcome one of our maintenance volunteers, Rich Costello, who has stepped up to take on the role of Maintenance Coordinator.   This is a key position in our organization as it keeps our boats seaworthy, enabling us all to enjoy the sport we love.  The job involves coordinating off season repairs, getting the boats ready for launch and monitoring and coordinating on the water maintenance, not to mention getting our boats safely back to the yard.  It is a big job and we are glad to have Rich in the role.

Tom Peterson and Joe Cannon served in that position for many years, and we are grateful for their contributions.  In the recent past Don Burman in many ways functioned as a Coordinator without officially assuming the role. Pat Webster provided behind the scenes assistance as needed.  Of course, none of this work gets done without our dedicated maintenance volunteers:  Specialty Teams leaders and Members, Boat Team Managers and Members, and ad hoc Members who step up as needed.  We want to thank all of those who made our 2022 season a success, and we want to encourage all of you to continue to support our efforts to keep our boats well maintained.


By Ashleigh Luttery, DEI Coordinator

Please do your part in making Sail Chicago better! We’re asking for your feedback on instruction, program sails, social events, volunteer opportunities, communications, and member engagement/belonging. Please note the survey came from and be sure to check your junk and spam folders as well. To take the survey click here. Many thanks to you all! 


By Deb and Jack Griffin, Social Coordinators

Join us for socializing and learning about Chicago's great maritime history! Members and their families are invited.

We will have appetizers and beverages (water, soft drinks, beer, wine and seltzers) in the gathering area, but they are not allowed in the actual museum area. Docents will be available to answer questions.

Parking is free and should be ample, but depending on other events going on, it may be a bit crowded. Please visit their website for mass transportation information. The address for the museum is 1200 West 35th Street Chicago, IL 60609. Registration is required. To register, click here.


Have you ever experienced the thrill of being a part of the Chicago to Mackinac Boat Race? While most of us probably haven’t, we can still vicariously experience the thrill of battling nature and other boats to be the first to reach the Island. Just take a few minutes to watch the video of this hard-fought race, and enjoy the ride!


Norris Larson passed away on November 11. He was a fixture in our organization, having joined in the 1950's when Sail Chicago was still part of American Youth Hostels. Over the years he has volunteered in almost every capacity, from board leadership to instructor, to Tiller Time skipper, to writing content for this newsletter. This was his monthly column, where he highlighted the activities of many of our member volunteers. He was everywhere, tireless in his service, quick to a laugh or a wry comment, and always, always committed to the success of Sail Chicago.

But above all, Norris was a sailor.  Not contented with just sailing on Lake Michigan, he sailed boats all over the world.  He had his USCG Captain’s License.  He’s made transatlantic crossings, and he was always ready to offer a story of his adventures.  Just this summer, he and his wife spent a month sailing around the Aegean Sea, visiting the Greek Islands.  He was sailing to the very end.

God speed, Norris.  We will miss you.  May you have fair winds and bright seas forever. 


Who to Contact
Need information on an area in Sail Chicago, but don't know who to contact? Just click here.
Join or Renew Your US Sailing Membership at a Discount Through MVP
Sail Chicago members can join or renew their US Sailing membership at a $10 discount through the US Sailing Member Value Partner program.

Sail Chicago Gear
Purchase gear with the Sail Chicago logo on it.  Caps, shirts, pants and other gear are available. To shop now, click here.
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You'll get updates, reminders, and other information on Sail Chicago events and activities. Click here

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You can always find the current issue and an archive of previous issues of The Telltale at the first (and open to the public) page of the Sail Chicago website.Look under "News/Newsletter."


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The Telltale: November, 2022

Sail Chicago Newsletter for November, 2022
Sailing for All


By Steve VanderVoort, Telltale Editor

We’ve got another successful sailing season under our belts. This year about three-hundred-and-fifty members participated in a variety of activities offered by Sail Chicago. Thanks at least in part to the “Care for our Colgates” program and a tightening of our wind guidelines, we had fewer incidents and accidents than in past years. All in all, it’s been a really successful year for us. And we couldn’t have done it without you, our member-volunteers, who have logged in countless hours making our programs work and bringing the joy of sailing to our greater Chicago community. Let’s congratulate ourselves on a job well done!


By Gerry Stacy, Chairman

Our 2022 volunteer season ended on October 31, 2022.  THANK YOU to all our members who gave so much of their time to keep our organization running.  We all enjoyed another great summer of sailing because of YOU.

Now that the season is over, there’s one more job that we need you to do and that’s to complete your volunteer reports.  This is a really important step in our volunteering process because it:

  • Helps us maintain an accurate record of who volunteered in every position.
  • Helps us confirm that you met your 2022 service time requirement.
  • Lets us know if you want to continue in your current volunteer positions in 2023.
  • Gives us an estimate of how much time our members are spending volunteering.

In the next few weeks, you’ll receive an email from the volunteering team listing all the positions you filled during the 2022 season.  You’ll be able to click through on each position, provide an estimate of the hours you spent doing that work, and tell us if you want to keep working in that job in 2023.  And if we missed any volunteering that you did, you’ll be able to tell us that too.

Please make sure you complete your reports as soon as you can after you receive them.  After November 30, we will close the reporting process, record service time flags for 2022, and open the volunteer site to signups for 2023.

And if you have any questions about volunteering at Sail Chicago or the reporting process, please reach out to the volunteer team at


By Monte Lewis

In October, we had 14 instructors attend a CPR/First Aid class. For our US Sailing certified Basic Keelboat Instructors (BKI) CPR/First Aid is required every three years to keep their certification. Kim Bell associated with the AHA along with her assistants, Paula and Mary kept the session interactive and engaging. The class included the most up-to-date information about providing CPR and using the AED.


By Matt Stuczynski, Lead Instructor

Many hearty congratulations to this season's new Skippers: Diana Armacanqui, Dominik Arndt, Aravind Athiviraham, Tamar Heitz, Ashley Lutterly, Christina Mosnick, Chad Skarpiak, Doug Sink, Jake Sprecher, Jacob Worely-Hood (returning) and Jan Vit.  Instructor Daniel Hazlett has organized a New Skippers Happy Hour on Sunday, October 16th from 6-9 p.m. at D4 Irish Pub.  Hope to see you new SC Skippers along with  "Skippers in progress" there that night! 

As a new Skippers, keep in mind that you must sail with another Sail Chicago Skipper and crew appropriate to your skill level and experience during your first twelve months as a Colgate 26 Skipper. More than anything, simply getting time on boats and then time on the tiller, getting practical hands-on experience is the best thing to do.  Of course, that goes hand-in-hand with more book-learning about sailing skills and best boat handling practices that you can learn on your own time whenever you can.

For boat time, please think about Sail Chicago programs such as Tiller Times, Share-a-Sail, Member Cruise Outings, help with Maintenance crews/deliveries and, of course, our Racing Program.  For book learning, try to become as familiar as you can with the Sail Chicago Rules and Regulations, on-the-water Skipper Skills Standards, the U.S. Sailing Basic Keelboat text, videos and other material on the U.S. Sailing website, weather apps. etc. 

When you sign the "Sail Chicago Keelboat Skipper Personal Statement", you agree to the idea that receiving Sail Chicago Colgate Skipper status does not guarantee that you are a great skipper, but rather, indicates that you are "trusted to continue learning while sailing the Colgate 26".  Sailing is a thinking-person's sport where the learning never ends, which I believe, is why so many of us love sailing so much and it makes us want to continue learning for a lifetime.  See you on the water; we all look forward to continuing learning with you.


By Deb and Jack Griffin, Social Coordinators

We are planning a get together at the Chicago Maritime Museum in Bridgeport on January 21 from 4:00pm-7:00pm!  More details to follow, but mark your calendar now!


By Norris Larson

This month we feature two new members, Tamar Heitz and Adarsh Shetty, who saw volunteering as an opportunity to learn about boats and not as a chore to satisfy their Service Time.

Tamar Heitz dreamt about sailing as a young girl growing up in landlocked Switzerland. There are lakes there, but she dreamed of sailing out-of-sight of land. She and her husband Georg moved to Chicago in 2020. She was excited about being next to our Great Lake and went sailing several times during the 2021 season with a friend who owned a boat. She looked into Sail Chicago and was impressed by its community mission supported by the cooperative volunteer efforts of its members, so she joined this year. She skipped Crew class based her skills acquired sailing with her friend and started in a First Mate class. She sailed on some 15 Tiller Times, mostly in the afternoons and passed Skipper Prep class. Next season she plans to sail more with the goal of developing sound habits of sea-sense (seamanship) and taking a Cruising class. 

Tamar began the season volunteering in the boat yard, to clean, wax, and polish the topsides of Colgates. She and other volunteers inspected sails and worked on other tasks as needed. At the end of the season she helped un-step masts at two sessions and crewed on two river trips to the yard with Richard Costello and Gary Stacy.

Tamar and her husband Georg Heitz live in the South Loop. She bikes to Monroe Harbor and their apartment is high enough so she can see our boats in the harbor. Tamar is on an informal sabbatical from a management position in a commercial firm. Tamar and Georg love Chicago and so do family and friends who visit from Switzerland.

Adarsh Shetty became interested in sailing during visits to Belmont Harbor. He took some lessons with Chicago Sailing before it went under during the pandemic and liked it instantly. Last year he took a few lessons at the Columbia Yacht Club sailing school. An instructor there suggested he look into Sail Chicago. Adarsh did and liked what he saw. This year he joined us and completed a Crew class, joined the racing program, and sailed on about ten Tiller Times.  Adarsh was unable to get into a First Mate class as they all filled up before he was ready and he looks forward to earning his skipper ticket in 2023. Adarsh is not new to outdoor activities. He skis and enjoys camping and hiking in national and state parks.

In his first season with us, Adarsh took advantage of several opportunities to learn about boats. Towards the end of the season he served on the maintenance team for Recess with team leader Ben Carls. At the end of the season he helped un-step masts on two occasions and made two river trips to deliver Colgates to the yard for the winter.  

Adarsh came to Chicago three years ago, first settling in Lakeview, not far from Belmont Harbor. He currently lives in a condo unit on the Gold Coast, not far from Monroe Harbor. He is a data architect with a background in mathematics and works for a financial firm.


Who to Contact
Need information on an area in Sail Chicago, but don't know who to contact? Just click here.
Join or Renew Your US Sailing Membership at a Discount Through MVP
Sail Chicago members can join or renew their US Sailing membership at a $10 discount through the US Sailing Member Value Partner program.

Sail Chicago Gear
Purchase gear with the Sail Chicago logo on it.  Caps, shirts, pants and other gear are available. To shop now, click here.
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You'll get updates, reminders, and other information on Sail Chicago events and activities. Click here

Missing Previous Issues of The Telltale?
You can always find the current issue and an archive of previous issues of The Telltale at the first (and open to the public) page of the Sail Chicago website.Look under "News/Newsletter."


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The Telltale: October, 2022

Sail Chicago Newsletter for September, 2022
Sailing for All



By Steve VanderVoort, Telltale Editor

Our fleet will soon be going down the river to our winter storage facility at the Canal Street Marina. But that doesn’t mean the work stops. There’s still a lot involved in putting our boats to bed for the season. Check out the volunteer positions page on the website and sign up to be part of a boat team. It’s a great way to learn about our boats and find some sailing buddies for the following boating season.Our stalwart boat teams would really appreciate some help.

And don’t forget that we’ve got a couple of social activities coming up in the fall and winter (see articles below). The End of Season Banquet and silent auction is coming up in a couple of weeks and we’ve got a visit to Chicago’s Maritime Museum shortly after the first of the year. We hope to see you at both events.


By Deb and John Griffin, Social Coordinators

Sail Chicago will be welcoming members and their guests to Columbia Yacht Club for our 2022 End of Season Dinner & Silent Auction on Thursday, October 20! Join us for a buffet dinner, cash bar, and a chance to celebrate a successful sailing season with fellow Sail Chicago members. This year, the event will include our sixth annual silent auction fundraiser. Proceeds will benefit the Sail Chicago scholarship program. Winners of the silent auction can pay via cash, check or credit card.

Did you take some great sailing photos this year? Submit your sailing pictures to this google drive for inclusion in a rolling photo presentation at the dinner!

Submit Photos Here

The event is open to members, and each member may bring 1 or 2 guests. If you are bringing a guest, please register them separately so we can pre-print name tags. Registration and payment will end at 6:30 PM on October 14th so we can give a final count to Columbia Yacht Club. To register, click here.


By Monte Lewis

Sail Chicago added two new Certified Basic Keelboat Instructors to its ranks in early September.  Instructors Iwona Awlasewicz and Scott Schaedel passed U.S. Sailing's rigorous evaluation program and have both received their BKI certification.  The course description by U.S. Sailing states in part, “To become a U.S. Sailing Instructor, a candidate must be a confident and competent sailor able to sail anywhere in the U.S. and handle the vast range of situations and different models of boats encountered in sailing courses.” Congratulations Scott and Iwona on this outstanding achievement!



By Matt Stuczynski, Lead Instructor

Many hearty congratulations to this season's new Skippers: Diana Armacanqui, Dominik Arndt, Aravind Athiviraham, Tamar Heitz, Ashley Lutterly, Christina Mosnick, Chad Skarpiak, Doug Sink, Jake Sprecher, Jacob Worely-Hood (returning) and Jan Vit.  Instructor Daniel Hazlett has organized a New Skippers Happy Hour on Sunday, October 16th from 6-9 p.m. at D4 Irish Pub.  Hope to see you new SC Skippers along with  "Skippers in progress" there that night! 

As a new Skippers, keep in mind that you must sail with another Sail Chicago Skipper and crew appropriate to your skill level and experience during your first twelve months as a Colgate 26 Skipper. More than anything, simply getting time on boats and then time on the tiller, getting practical hands-on experience is the best thing to do.  Of course, that goes hand-in-hand with more book-learning about sailing skills and best boat handling practices that you can learn on your own time whenever you can.

For boat time, please think about Sail Chicago programs such as Tiller Times, Share-a-Sail, Member Cruise Outings, help with Maintenance crews/deliveries and, of course, our Racing Program.  For book learning, try to become as familiar as you can with the Sail Chicago Rules and Regulations, on-the-water Skipper Skills Standards, the U.S. Sailing Basic Keelboat text, videos and other material on the U.S. Sailing website, weather apps. etc.  When you sign the "Sail Chicago Keelboat Skipper Personal Statement", you agree to the idea that receiving Sail Chicago Colgate Skipper status does not guarantee that you are a great skipper, but rather, indicates that you are "trusted to continue learning while sailing the Colgate 26".  Sailing is a thinking-person's sport where the learning never ends, which I believe, is why so many of us love sailing so much and it makes us want to continue learning for a lifetime.  See you on the water; we all look forward to continuing learning with you.


We are planning a get together at the Chicago Maritime Museum in Bridgeport on January 21!  Details to follow, but mark your calendar now.


Norris Larson is on vacation. His column will be back in the November issue of The Telltale.


Who to Contact
Need information on an area in Sail Chicago, but don't know who to contact? Just click here.
Join or Renew Your US Sailing Membership at a Discount Through MVP
Sail Chicago members can join or renew their US Sailing membership at a $10 discount through the US Sailing Member Value Partner program.

Sail Chicago Gear
Purchase gear with the Sail Chicago logo on it.  Caps, shirts, pants and other gear are available. To shop now, click here.
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You'll get updates, reminders, and other information on Sail Chicago events and activities. Click here

Missing Previous Issues of The Telltale?
You can always find the current issue and an archive of previous issues of The Telltale at the first (and open to the public) page of the Sail Chicago website.Look under "News/Newsletter."


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The Telltale: September, 2022

Sail Chicago Newsletter for September, 2022
Sailing for All



By Steve VanderVoort, Telltale Editor

I can feel the end of the sailing season gradually coming. The days are getting shorter. Our programmed activities are starting to wind down. By the middle of next month we’ll be sending our fleet down the river for winter storage. But there’s still a lot of sailing life left for most of us this season. Perhaps September will be the best sailing month of all. The weather will be cooler, fewer bad storms, and gentler winds all make for fine sailing. So let’s get out there and do it!

There will still be things for us to do later in the fall. Our Social Committee has planned several activities that will bring us together as a group (see article below). And of course we can always use more volunteer help in several areas. Sail Chicago remains alive and well, even in the off-season.


By Deb & John Griffin, Social Coordinators


Friends and Family Picnic Survey. In order to make our annual Friends and Family Picnic even more successful next year we’d like to find out your preferences. Please complete this one-question survey to let us know. Thanks!

Happy Hour Thursday, September 15, 5:30 pm. Based on member feedback, for our next happy hour we’re moving our venue outdoors to Island Party Hut at 355 Chicago Riverwalk!  Sail Chicago members are welcome to attend and bring one guest. Appetizers and one drink ticket will be provided for all attendees. If there is a rainout, the happy hour will be rescheduled. To register, click here.

End of Season Dinner, Thursday October 20, Columbia Yacht Club. Join us to celebrate another successful sailing season with your fellow SailChicago members! Thursday October 20th will be the End of Season Party at the Columbia Yacht Club from 6:30 until 9:30 pm.  A Cash Bar cocktail reception will begin @ 6:30 with a buffet dinner to begin @7:00pm. The cost will be $30.00 per person.  This year's End of Season Dinner will again feature a silent auction! We plan to have all proceeds support the Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Scholarship Program, which increases access to Sail Chicago's instruction program and encourages diverse membership. Further information to follow.

Chicago Maritime Museum visit, Saturday, Jan 21st, 2023. We are planning a get together at the Chicago Maritime Museum in Bridgeport!  Details to follow.


Have technical problems or trouble accessing the Sail Chicago websites? Maybe our trusty group of tech volunteers can help. Just email and someone should respond to you within 48 hours. Non-Tech related issues should contact


By Tim Rice

If you're a Colgate 26 skipper and would like to try a different boat, you can participate in a Rhodes 19 orientation. Orientations are FREE to Colgate skippers.  After one or more on-the-water sessions, you'll be qualified to sail our Rhodes 19s.  The Rhodes are fun to sail and quicker to maneuver than a Colgate, and they have a different "feel" at the helm.  Fees for their use are less than a Colgate's, and as few as two people can sail them.  Becoming qualified to sail a Rhodes can give you more flexibility in scheduling private sails during busy times when many of our other boats are in use. To schedule an on-the-water Rhodes 19 orientation session, please contact Tim Rice at


As the sailing season winds down, we'd like to take a moment to thank everyone who has been working all summer long to make sure this organization keeps running.  From scrubbing the boats and refueling engines, to checking on electrical systems, to planning and pulling off fantastic social events, to all the instructors who teach classes, the skippers who lead Tiller Times and Member Cruise Outings, the people who head up our racing, and the many, many people who work behind the scenes to coordinate and lead all of these programs, THANK YOU ALL!  All together, you've given thousands of hours of your time.  Sail Chicago runs because of all of us!

And if you haven't had a chance to volunteer yet, it's not too late!  Our 2022 volunteer season runs until October 31.  There are still opportunities available on the Volunteer Website, and there is plenty of work to be done as we take our boats back to the boatyard and prepare them for winter storage.  You can sign up for positions on the website, and if you don't see an empty position that you're interested in, reach out to the volunteer team at

Finally, just a reminder that volunteering is a part of how you remain a member in good standing.  The suggestion is that you provide about 20 hours of service each season.  If you don't complete your service time requirement for 2022 by October 31, you will be responsible for paying the $400 opt-out fee when you renew your membership in 2023.  Any volunteering that you do after November 1 will count towards your service time requirement for next summer, not this one.

By Monte Lewis

Join us Saturday morning, October 1st from 8:30 am-12:30 pm at Columbia Yacht Club in the Upper Salon. Fee for current SC instructors - no charge. Sail Chicago members (not instructors) or non Sail Chicago instructors $110. Limited to the first 20 participants. Students learn how to administer CPR, how to administer a shock from an AED, and basic first aid. Learning these skills are invaluable because they allow you to help injured people until we can connect with an emergency medical services team. Sign up here.


By Norris Larson

Eleven-year-old Geoffrey Skyles was canoeing and rowing boats on a Wisconsin lake at a scout camp when another scout sped by him on a Sunfish. Geoff decided he had had enough paddling and rowing and learned to sail that summer. Some ten years later in 1998 he discovered Sail Chicago when it was still a part of American Youth Hostels, but it was 15(!) years later before he signed up for classes. In 2013 he took the beginners course (now Crew) with Matt McCormick. In 2014 Geoff took Intermediate (now First Mate) with Simeon Stairs, and Skipper Prep with Bob Lapin. Being a prudent seafarer, he repeated Skipper Prep two more times, once with Jim Monk and once with Monte Lewis. This important decision on his part is in keeping with Matt Stuczynski’s admonition that Skipper Prep instructors should advise some students to get more practice to prepare for a checkout before getting their skipper's ticket. In 2021 Geoff became a cruising skipper with yours truly.

In 2021 Geoff contributed to Sail Chicago by leading several Tiller Times and working with Monte Lewis on organizing the Basic Keelboat Instructor program. This year Geoff took on the demanding task of Tiller Time Coordinator while teaching two Crew classes, and leading Colgate Member Cruise Outings. He also contributes to Sail Chicago’s mission as a community sailing organization taking private sails with his 13 year old son Ryan and several of his son’s friends of south Asian descent.

Geoff, his wife Preeti, and son Ryan live in Palatine with their yellow labrador Lemon. Their older son Naman no longer lives at home. Preeti does enjoy an occasional sail with Geoff and Ryan. Geoff is an IT manager and consultant taking a “sabbatical” this year from sitting in front of a computer all day.


Who to Contact
Need information on an area in Sail Chicago, but don't know who to contact? Just click here.
Join or Renew Your US Sailing Membership at a Discount Through MVP
Sail Chicago members can join or renew their US Sailing membership at a $10 discount through the US Sailing Member Value Partner program.

Sail Chicago Gear
Purchase gear with the Sail Chicago logo on it.  Caps, shirts, pants and other gear are available. To shop now, click here.
Like us on Facebook
You'll get updates, reminders, and other information on Sail Chicago events and activities. Click here

Missing Previous Issues of The Telltale?
You can always find the current issue and an archive of previous issues of The Telltale at the first (and open to the public) page of the Sail Chicago website.Look under "News/Newsletter."


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The Telltale: August, 2022

Sail Chicago Newsletter for August, 2022
Sailing for All



By Steve VanderVoort, Telltale Editor

There's starting to be a feeling of fall in the air, but don't worry, there's still plenty of sailing time left in the current season. Our programs are still going strong. Remaining classes are full, we've got some social activities coming up, the evening racing program is going full tilt, Tiller Times for students and Member Cruise Outings are in full swing. Best of all, our fleet seems to be in excellent shape. Thanks to our Caring for Colgates program for standardizing the way we put away our boats. While COVID cast a long shadow over the past couple of years, that shadow seems to have lifted, and Sail Chicago has recovered nicely.

Remember, however, we're still an all-volunteer organization. As members of Sail Chicago, we owe it to our fellow members to put in the time to keep our organization vibrant. Our maintenance team is always looking for volunteers (see article below). You may also want to explore a list of volunteer positions at Positions. Not only are you keeping Sail Chicago flourishing, but your volunteer efforts can give you a great chance to meet future sailing buddies and meet new friends.

By Don Burman

One of the aspects that makes Sail Chicago so great isre are many disciplines that work together to keep us going – finance, technology, instruction, tiller time, MCO’s, social, licensing and insurance, TellTale and communication, maintenance and more. All of these are needed to keep us going. 

As sailors we need boats to sail and boats need members to care for them. We have a great team of member volunteers who prepare the boats and keep them in great shape during the season. Reported issues are addressed very quickly because of their dedication to keeping them nice for us.

We have several volunteers that will be stepping back from the maintenance duties at the end of this season. They will need to be replaced to ensure we can continue to sail next season and enjoy the sport we all love. We’ll need new maintenance leadership and coordination as well as several boat team managers. The main job responsibilities are planning, coordination and communication. Team members can support leadership with the hands-on tasks – we really need new leaders to step forward.

Please consider volunteering for maintenance leadership or as boat manager for 2023. You will find it a very rewarding experience. To learn more about maintenance roles, please click here

If you have other questions, feel free to contact Don Burman or Pat Webster. Thank you all for serving as volunteers this season.

BY Ed Schroeder

The words that bring fear to sailors and a surge in adrenaline. Luckily we were only performing a mock drill on Priorities. It took the experienced skipper 6 minutes to bring the “victim” alongside with the Lifesling.

Six long minutes without the added panic of a loved one in the water because we were using a pillow “victim”.

The problem seemed to be the inability of the skipper to turn the boat so that the dragging Lifesling would pass next to the “victim”. We tacked many times.

In a recent issue of “Practical Sailor” magazine, there is an excellent, 2-part article describing a Crew Overboard Retrieval Symposium on San Francisco Bay, with 115 volunteers taking part in 400 tests.

The authors stated, “Among the many truths we discovered or rediscovered was this: most rescues are long, physically taxing (if not plain difficult), and require good equipment, fortitude, and (most important) good boat handling.”

Surprisingly, they found that the most difficult part of the recovery is getting the victim aboard, whether the victim was conscious or not.

Have other skippers, on other boats, checked the equipment and practiced actually retrieving a victim? Should Sail Chicago offer an advanced course where skippers could take the info learned back to their respective boats? How would you get a loved one back on board even on a low freeboard Rhodes? The life you save may be your own.

This summer, every day we’re on the water, it would behoove us all to practice COB at least once per outing.


By Gerald Moose Stacy

As you probably already know, Adam Wisneski, for many years the Chair of Sail Chicago, moved with his family to Rochester, NY at the end of June.  Adam has been a visionary leader who has had a major impact on our organization.  Under his leadership, the board increased its oversight of the organization through the creation of board liaison positions which provide clear routes of communication from our departments back to the board.  Building on this work, Adam then completely overhauled our volunteer program, introducing a great deal more rigor and tracking into this key process with the result that we have more volunteers participating in more ways than ever before!  And as if all this accomplishment weren't enough, Adam was also responsible for guiding our organization through the COVID-19 pandemic.  Thank you, Adam, for your remarkable leadership.  Best of luck in Rochester, and we hope you get to enjoy many days of sailing on Lake Ontario.

While Adam has chosen to serve out his term on the Sail Chicago board, he felt it was important that he step down as Chair.  Consequently, the board elected the following members to fill open officer positions at the May and June meetings: 

  • Gerald Moose Stacy - Chair
  • Adam Jabs - Secretary
Thanks to these members who have stepped forward to help guide Sail Chicago in the future. And thanks to our many other board members who contribute to our organization in so many ways.

By Deb and John Griffin, Social Coordinators

Happy Hour Thursday, September 15, 5:30 pm. Based on member feedback, for our next happy hour we’re moving our venue outdoors to Island Party Hut at 355 Chicago Riverwalk!  Sail Chicago members are welcome to attend and bring one guest. Appetizers and one drink ticket will be provided for all attendees. If there is a rainout, the happy hour will be rescheduled. To register, click here.

End of Season Dinner, Thursday October 13, Columbia Yacht Club. This year's End of Season Dinner will again feature a silent auction! We plan to have all proceeds support the Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Scholarship Program, which increases access to Sail Chicago's instruction program and encourages diverse membership.  More information to follow.

Chicago Maritime Museum visit, Saturday, Jan 21st, 2023. We are planning a get together at the Chicago Maritime Museum in Bridgeport!  Details to follow.

By Andy Devoto

While the monthly newsletter contains official updates and news for Sail Chicago members, Slack is a tool for casual convos, sharing pics of sails, finding sail-mates, or asking questions. It is a group messaging app used by many organizations.

Click here to join the Sail Chicago slack group. Then click the confirmation email and complete your sign up. You can download the Slack app for Android or iOS on your phone, or, on the web, use Slack online here:  Once you’re in, you can check out the different channels, post or reply to others, and reach out to members directly. 

If you have questions about using Slack, contact Andy Devoto at

By Quentin Poussard

The Sail Chicago Instagram account is starting to get more popular, and I would like to thank everyone for all the great pictures already sent through Slack, Instagram, email, etc. The easiest way to get your picture/video published on the Instagram account is to upload them via the following Google drive link:

Feel free to rename the picture to give the context of when/where the picture was taken, and I will publish it as soon as possible. Thank you!


One of the most annoying features of sailing in the later season are the flies that constantly nip at our flesh and can even bite through clothing. Sail Chicago member Ed Schroeder found the following product profile in a recent issue of Practical Sailor Magazine:  "Biting flies will find you miles from shore, in a breeze, at any time of day. They'll stay with the boat, undeterred by DEET, and will bite right through your clothes.” The lead USDA entomologist recommends "Catnip oil is a powerful repellent against flies… Catnip is probably the best repellent identified including DEET and DNP for flies that bite." Before your next sail, go online and check out “catnip spray” on the internet.

By Monte Lewis

Learn or review first aid skills in this four-hour course, Saturday morning, October 1st from 8:30 am-12:30 pm at Columbia Yacht Club in the Upper Salon. We will post an Eventbrite invitation in September that will include registration information. 


Learn how to administer CPR, how to administer a shock from an AED, and other basic first aid skills. These skills are invaluable because they allow you to help injured people until you can connect with an emergency medical services team. There is no charge for Instructors, and a $110 charge for Sail Chicago members who are not instructors. Re-certification of your US Sailing BKI requires CPR/First Aid every three years.

By Matt Stuczynski , Lead Instructor

What do Don Burman and all our recent maintenance managers along with Steve Colgate have in common?  They believe the bow cleats are sufficient for towing and anchoring the Colgate 26. Details below.  


More often than not, I have found that there is a well thought-out and logical reason for some of our sailing rules, regulations and protocols; frequently the outcome of some long-forgotten solution to a problem.  Nevertheless, just because we have always done something one way, does not always mean that it is the best practice or, even ever was the best.  Our "On the Water Skipper Skills" handbook comes to mind here.  This is a living document that has been around for decades outlining the best practices specific to our boats, our organization as well as the Monroe Harbor environment. If you have not read it in a while, I recommend checking it out in order to bone up on your sailing skills and best practices. It was also recently upgraded and enhanced beautifully by member Ethan Brown which has made it easier and more pleasant to peruse.  It can be found on the Sail Chicago member website under "membership/files/instruction".  


Regarding change, one update has been to the way we recommend the hopefully rare safety occasions for anchoring and towing the Colgate 26's.  Earlier this summer, maintenance guru Don Burman brought up these topics and how they are explained in our OTW Handbook and how we might improve and make these practices safer. 


For years it was written to use the winches to hold the load while Don thought the bow cleats (when backed) are sufficient and safer than trying to deal with leading back to the winches.  Thinking there must be some reason for the winch practice, I contacted at least three former maintenance leads and none knew the origin of this recommendation and all thought that the bow cleats would serve just fine. Just to be sure, I even contacted our old friend Steve Colgate down in Florida who kindly and assuredly concurred.  So for now, we will change the recommendation in the handbook, unless of course someone has good arguments not to do so. 

By Gerry Stacy, Board Chairman

Did you know that Sail Chicago has two systems for reporting maintenance issues on our boats?  These systems are separate; they don't talk to each other; and each one has a specific purpose.

The primary way that skippers are able to report minor maintenance issues is through the Pre- and Post-Sail Checklists that are required to be completed before and after each sail.  Our boat teams look over these checklists about once a week as they plan their maintenance work.

However, if you encounter a maintenance issue that the next Skipper who sails the boat should be aware of, or that the boat manager should be immediately made aware of, this must be reported through the Report Boat Issue function on the website.  You can find the Report Boat Issue form under the Reservation menu.  Completing this form attaches a helpful note to the boat that is visible to other skippers, so the next person reserving that boat is aware of any issues that could impact their sail.  Reporting a serious issue through this form will even take the boat out of service and alert the maintenance team.

The appropriate use of both of these systems are required by our Rules and Regulations.  Please make sure you're familiar with each of them, and don't be shy about reporting maintenance issues using them!  It helps keep our fleet well maintained and safe to sail.


Who to Contact
Need information on an area in Sail Chicago, but don't know who to contact? Just click here.
Join or Renew Your US Sailing Membership at a Discount Through MVP
Sail Chicago members can join or renew their US Sailing membership at a $10 discount through the US Sailing Member Value Partner program.

Sail Chicago Gear
Purchase gear with the Sail Chicago logo on it.  Caps, shirts, pants and other gear are available. To shop now, click here.
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You'll get updates, reminders, and other information on Sail Chicago events and activities. Click here

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You can always find the current issue and an archive of previous issues of Between the Sheets at the first (and open to the public) page of the Sail Chicago website.Look under "News/Newsletter."


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The Telltale: July, 2022

Sail Chicago Newsletter for July, 2022
Sailing for All

ISSUE #7/JULY, 2022


By Steve VanderVoort, Telltale Editor

It’s almost like COVID never happened! Our sailing season is in full swing. Our usual activities abound. But in our enthusiasm, let’s not forget our organization’s safety standards, both for ourselves and our fleet.

  • When onboard one of our boats, always wear a life jacket,
  • Know the sailing “Rules of the Road,”
  • For your own safety and those of others, make sure you cover all the items on the pre and post-sail checklists,
  • Before going out on the water, make sure you check the weather forecast,
  • Don’t overestimate the sailing skills of yourself or your crew,
  • Follow strictly the Wind and Wave Safety Standards set forth in the Rules and Regulations (see article below)

I’m sure you can think of many more. The point is, we want you, your crew and your guests to be safe when sailing with us!


By Deb and Jack Griffin

First Happy Hour of the Season July 14, 5:30 pm - We’ll be meeting at 2Twenty2 Tavern in the Loop (must be age 21+ due to venue requirements). Sail Chicago members are welcome to attend and bring one guest. Appetizers and one drink ticket will be provided for all attendees. If you’re a new member or recently completed a Sail Chicago course, we highly encourage you to come, meet other members and share your experiences!  Venue is near public transit with SpotHero locations nearby, listed in the registration link.

Save the Dates! 

  • Our Friends and Family Picnic is tentatively set for Saturday August 13th, pending permit approval from the Park District for Belmont Harbor.
  • The End of Season Dinner will be held on Thursday, October 13th  at the Columbia Yacht Club.

More information on both events will follow shortly.


Sail Chicago recently revised its wind and wave safety standards. Although they may be found in Section 4.1.5 of the Sail Chicago Rules and Regulations, we thought that it might be worthwhile to publish them here.

The Sail Chicago Wind and Wave Safety Standards are as follows. Skippers should refer to the Current Weather and Weather Forecast information available on the website Landing page for purposes of determining compliance with these Standards.

  1. Up to 15 knots (17 mph), acceptable conditions for all boats.
  2. 15 - 20 knots (17-23 mph), proceed with caution for more experienced skippers and crew.
  3. Greater than 20 knots (23 mph), don’t go out. If winds build to greater than 20 knots (23 mph) while out, return to the harbor in a reasonably prompt manner.
  4. No Sail Chicago boat can go out during the duration of a published Small Craft Advisory.
  5. The ultimate decision to sail or not to sail is the skipper's. Should a skipper not observe the above standards and an accident occurs, existing rules and regulations provide for possible Board responses. Every skipper should review Sail Chicago Rules and Regulations, Section 5.6, paragraph 2, for possible consequences.


By Monte Lewis

Our brand new Instructor Prep class is underway and this season we will put seven Instructor Candidates (IC’s) through this rich and comprehensive coaching program. The objective of the program is to guide motivated skippers to become capable, safe teachers for our organization. The program covers not only advanced sailing topics, but also covers basic principles of teaching adults how to sail. It’s a unique program in the sailing community, as most other "how to teach sailing" programs focus on youth. Of course, the ultimate objective of the new Instructor Prep course is to reduce our year-to-year backlog of students trying to get into classes.

We are excited to apply all the learning we have gathered from this first season of this new course offering to add the most value to future IC's and the instruction program. IC’s should have a minimum of two years experience as a Sail Chicago Skipper, skipper a minimum of six Tiller Times and be a confident and competent sailor. If you are interested in the program or have questions, reach Monte Lewis at


By Alan Summers

The  U.S. Sailing Basic Keelboat Certification Exam will be given at Pete’s Coffee, 686 E Ogden in Naperville at 9:00 am on Saturday, July 16. The exam consists of 70 multiple choice questions based on the U.S. Sailing Basic Keelboat book and your training at Sail Chicago.  This exam is a separate offering from Sail Chicago and is NOT related to your Sail Chicago skipper requirements.   This certification connects you with U.S. Sailing, comes with 1 year membership in U.S. Sailing, and costs $50.  The certification is another measurement of your basic keelboat sailing skills.  It is a written test only and we encourage everyone to obtain the certification,but it is an optional exam.    If you wish to take the exam please notify Alan Summers at


By Pat Webster

Last season Sail Chicago developed a continuing education program for our Colgate skippers. The program focuses on correctly putting away our boats at the end of a sail. Keeping our boats in good shape ensures that we will have a healthy sailable fleet for a long time.

We are offering our Caring for our Colgates classes in July on Thursday
July 7,Tuesday July 12 and Sunday July 24
. Sessions will be held at the
Columbia Yacht Club dock.

To reserve a spot in one of these sessions, please register here.
This class is required of all who were a Colgate skipper of record in
the 2020 season. In order to reserve a boat next season (2023), you
will have had to complete this class by the end of this season. (If you
checked out as a skipper in 2021, you are exempt because the class
material was covered in your classes.). Also, it is not recommended for
current students, who will be exposed to it in their classes. We don’t have
adequate dock and volunteer time to offer the class to the general

At this time we are not planning to offer additional sessions later this
season. Questions: please contact Pat Webster,


Would you like to be able to sail a small fast boat? Well, our Ideal 18s may be the “ideal” choice for you! Orientations on this enjoyable little boat are now being held. To arrange for an orientation, please contact Tim Sheehan at


Where’s Our Banner? - Our free-standing Sail Chicago banner has gone missing and we’d love to get it back to use at future events! If you have any clue as to its whereabouts please contact Jack Griffin at


By Norris Larson

Adilla (Adi) Menayang has wanted to sail as far back as he can remember. Sailing was an important part of the maritime history of Indonesia, the homeland of his family. Adi regrets that in recent times, sail has been superseded by power boats and ships. As a consequence there are few opportunities to sail there. Adi was born in Austin, Texas while his father was earning a Ph.D. When he was eight, the family returned to Indonesia.

Having been raised in the States, Adi says he felt more American than Indonesian and returned to the U.S., settling in Chicago. After ten years here he went back to school for two years at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York at the south end of Lake Cayuga. While earning his master’s degree, Adi joined the university sailing group and learned to sail dinghies, Sonars, and Rhodes in two six-week courses.

After returning to Chicago, Adi googled sailing opportunities and Sail Chicago was the top return.  He joined us in June 2021, was put on a waitlist for a First Mate class and after a week of diligent watching for openings, got into a class. He did more sailing and passed Skipper Prep in September. Soon after, as suggested by Daniel Hazlett, Adi joined the Sail Chicago DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) Committee. He applied his IT skills to build an on-line learn-to-sail scholarship application form and a second form for judges to use in evaluating the applications. This spring he worked in the yard waxing and rigging boats, and joined crews to bring the boats down river to Monroe Harbor. He worked with Don Burman and joined the Poco Veliero maintenance team. When a boat manager could not be found, Adi stepped up to the job.

Adi does data analytics and builds databases for Lever for Change, a not-for-profit affiliate of the MacArthur Foundation. The information is used to evaluate the impact of programs and grants. Adi and his partner David (who is not keen on sailing) live on the 16th floor of a building near Chestnut and Jean Baptiste Point DuSable Lake Shore Drive. T hey have a great view of the lake and waterfront. Prior to the pandemic, Adi had been visiting his extended family in Indonesia yearly and plans to continue these trips.


Who to Contact
Need information on an area in Sail Chicago, but don't know who to contact? Just click here.
Join or Renew Your US Sailing Membership at a Discount Through MVP
Sail Chicago members can join or renew their US Sailing membership at a $10 discount through the US Sailing Member Value Partner program.

Sail Chicago Gear
Purchase gear with the Sail Chicago logo on it.  Caps, shirts, pants and other gear are available. To shop now, click here.
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You'll get updates, reminders, and other information on Sail Chicago events and activities. Click here

Missing Previous Issues of Between the Sheets?
You can always find the current issue and an archive of previous issues of Between the Sheets at the first (and open to the public) page of the Sail Chicago website.Look under "News/Newsletter."


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The Telltale: June, 2022

Sail Chicago Newsletter for June, 2022
Sailing for All

ISSUE #6/JUNE, 2022


By Steve VanderVoort, Telltale Editor

Our sailing season has definitely arrived. The weather has warmed up, and we’re looking forward to a summer of fun and safe sailing. We’ve had our first social event of the season, and program areas are in full swing. Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee is starting a couple of new programs this year, and it needs some help to get things underway (see article below). If you’ve got some spare time, please consider helping out in this area.


Come join in the fun at Sail Chicago’s first happy hour of the season. We’ll be meeting at 5:30 pm at 2Twenty2 Tavern in the Loop (must be age 21+ due to venue requirements). Sail Chicago members are welcome to attend and bring one guest. Appetizers and one drink ticket will be provided for all attendees. If you’re a new member or recently completed a Sail Chicago course, we highly encourage you to come, meet other members and share your experiences!  Venue is near public transit with SpotHero locations nearby, listed in the registration link. To learn more and to register, click here.


By Matt Stuczynski, Lead Instructor

In the May issue of The Telltale we discussed the concrete steps to becoming a Sail Chicago Colgate 26 Skipper.  Now, we can think about other ideas to help you become the best skipper you can be and take advantage of all possible Sail Chicago learning opportunities.  

As a new Skipper, keep in mind that you must sail with another Sail Chicago Skipper and crew appropriate to your skill level and experience during your first twelve months as a Colgate 26 Skipper. More than anything, simply getting time on boats and then time on the tiller, getting practical hands-on experience is the best thing to do.  Of course, that goes hand-in-hand with more book-learning about sailing skills and best boat handling practices that you can learn on your own time whenever you can.

For boat time, please think about Sail Chicago programs such as Tiller Times, Share-a-Sail, Member Cruise Outings, help with Maintenance crews/deliveries and, of course, our Racing Program.  For book learning, try to become as familiar as you can with the Sail Chicago Rules and Regulations, on-the-water Skipper Skills Standards, the U.S. Sailing Basic Keelboat text, videos and other material on the U.S. Sailing website, weather apps. etc.  When you sign the "Sail Chicago Keelboat Skipper Personal Statement", you agree to the idea that receiving Sail Chicago Colgate Skipper status does not guarantee that you are a great skipper, but rather, indicates that you are "trusted to continue learning while sailing the Colgate 26".  Sailing is a thinking-person's sport where the learning never ends, which I believe, is why so many of us love sailing so much and it makes us want to continue learning for a lifetime.  See you on the water, and I look forward to continuing learning with you.


By Pat Webster

Last season Sail Chicago developed a continuing education program for our Colgate skippers.  The program focuses on correctly putting away our boats at the end of a sail. Keeping our boats in good shape ensures that we will have a healthy sailable fleet for a long time.  

We are offering our Caring for our Colgates classes again in June. They will be held at the Columbia Yacht Club dock on Monday June 6, Thursday June 16 and Tuesday June 28.
This class is required for everyone who was a Colgate skipper in the 2020 season or earlier, and is not available to current students.  In order to reserve a boat next season (2023), you will have had to complete this class by the end of this season.  (If you checked out as a skipper in 2021, you are exempt because the class material was covered in your classes.)

To reserve a spot in one of these sessions, please register here.


The free-standing Sail Chicago banner, last seen at an event at the Columbia Yacht Club, has gone missing. If you know its location please contact Jack Griffin at


By Andy Devoto
You've signed up for a Sail Chicago membership, now what? A new resource can help you navigate the different benefits available to you. While signed into, click the Membership dropdown and "Membership Overview" will be the first link. This page will help you get involved in Tiller Times, Share-a-Sail's and everything else at Sail Chicago.

By Rachel Granneman


DEI Sails--We will be rolling out a new type of program sail this summer–-DEI Sails! These are sails designed to bring additional opportunities and a safe place to connect and build a network amongst individuals of underrepresented groups. We plan to start with Women’s Cruises and BIPOC Cruises (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color), but are interested in member feedback on other potential focuses, such as LGBTQ+. These will be available on the reservation page as a new reservation category. PLEASE make sure to only sign up for DEI sails if you are the target audience! Also, this initiative will only work if we have volunteers to be Skipper and First Mate on these sails! If you are interested in hosting a DEI Sail and are a woman or person of color, please reach out to Rebecca at

Community Cruise Outings--We are beginning to schedule Community Cruise Outings for this summer! So far we have scheduled 5 CCOs to take members of Environmentalists of Color out for sailing outings in an effort to break down barriers and introduce more people to sailing. If you are interested in helping out with future CCOs, please contact Rachel at

Scholarship Fund -  We are still about $375 shy of our fundraising goal to cover the costs of our scholarship program this season. If you would like to contribute, you can make a donation at and please shoot a quick email to Rachel at to flag that the money is for the scholarship fund.


Don Burman reports that Poco Velireo, one of our Colgate fleet, is now rigged the same as her sister ships. She has a Colgate mainsail with slugs. The warnings noted in the May issue of The Telltale have been overcome.


By Geoffrey Skyles, Tiller Time Coordinator

Tiller Times are a great way for our students and new skippers to get additional hands-on sailing experience. They get to sail with some of our experienced skippers, building confidence and improve on what they've learned in class.

Tiller Times are in high demand, and sessions fill up quickly, so check often.  The best way to be informed of new tiller times is the #tillertime slack channel. You can sign up at "Seat Availability" under the reservations section on the  website.

If you've been a skipper for at least two years and would like to "pay it forward" and help current students get in some sailing practice, then consider signing on as a Tiller Time skipper.   If you successfully complete five sessions as a Tiller Time skipper, this fulfills your annual service requirement.  

For more information or to register as a skipper, contact Geoff Skyles, our NEW Tiller Time Coordinator at Geoff has been sailing with Sail Chicago since 2013 and recently completed his BKI certification. He has skippered on both the Colgates and the cruising vessels and has served as a Tiller Time skipper in years past. He's excited to take on this role to be more involved in Sail Chicago and meet more members.      
By Norris Larson

Lyn Harvie, a new member of Sail Chicago, has distinguished herself by jumping into an important new volunteer position. Lyn learned to sail in Florida as a racing crew with a fellow graduate student in 2006-07. After school she moved to Chicago. Though tempted by our inland sea, she found starting a career here left little time to consider sailing. In 2020, at the start of the pandemic, she found space to sail on a Catalina 30 until this year. Last season she completed basic keelboat certification with Columbia Yacht Club (CoYC). While there she learned about Sail Chicago and joined us this year. Unable to get into one of our First Mate courses

, she will complete the CoYC intermediate course and looks forward to taking our Skipper course later this season.

Lyn and Monte Lewis met at the 2022 Annual Meeting. He asked to her to join the team developing the Sail Chicago Instructor Prep course. She signed on, excited at the opportunity to learn more about the Sail Chicago community and to meet members. At our first team meeting she took good notes to capture the ideas generated during a team brain storming session. Her role is a new one that she will fill out well beyond her first work as recording secretary. She also wants to learn how to maintain boats and looks forward to joining a boat team.

Lyn lives on the Gold Coast in the vicinity of Burton Place and Clark. Lyn is a broker with Baird & Warner Real Estate handling residential and commercial transactions.


Who to Contact
Need information on an area in Sail Chicago, but don't know who to contact? Just click here.
Join or Renew Your US Sailing Membership at a Discount Through MVP
Sail Chicago members can join or renew their US Sailing membership at a $10 discount through the US Sailing Member Value Partner program.

Sail Chicago Gear
Purchase gear with the Sail Chicago logo on it.  Caps, shirts, pants and other gear are available. To shop now, click here.
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You'll get updates, reminders, and other information on Sail Chicago events and activities. Click here
Shop Amazon Smile and Donate to Sail Chicago
When you shop online at Amazon Smile, Sail Chicago will receive a donation of .5% of your eligible purchases. It's a great way to both give and receive. To get started, click here. 

Missing Previous Issues of Between the Sheets?
You can always find the current issue and an archive of previous issues of Between the Sheets at the first (and open to the public) page of the Sail Chicago website.Look under "News/Newsletter."


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The Telltale: March, 2022

Sail Chicago Newsletter for March, 2022
Sailing for All

ISSUE 3//MARCH, 2022

By Steve VanderVoort, Telltale Editor 


While there’s still a bit of snow on the ground in patches, spring seems not far offI  By the end of this month activity in the boatyard should be picking up. We’ll need to get our boats in shape to launch around the first of May. After that, classes begin, and we’re off to another great sailing season, hopefully with no COVID restrictions this time. 

If you’re in your second year with Sail Chicago you need to start thinking about how you’re going to meet your service requirement for the following year’s sailing. Helping out in the boatyard is a great way to learn more about our boats and what it takes to keep them in the water during our busy sailing season. A list of all our volunteer positions may be found on the website under membership/volunteer positions. And don’t forget to attend Sail Chicago’s upcoming virtual job fair (see article below).

If you’re looking to improve your navigation skills or wondering how you might become a Sail Chicago  Instructor, we’ve got even more information for you. Just keep reading.


Over 60 members and friends attended the Sail Chicago virtual Annual Meeting on Tuesday, March 1. Chairman Adam Wisneski reviewed activities in 2021. A total of 345 volunteer assignments were made through the new volunteer database. Last year, 2021, was a rebound year for Sail Chicago. Much effort was spent in formalizing processes, documentation, and organization. Class availability was limited due to the backlog from 2020. 
Chairs of our various committees highlighted their activities throughout the year and plans for 2022:

  • Finances Despite problems with COVID, we are in good financial shape. We are looking to expand our fleet over the next couple of years.
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Community Cruise outings will be continued, and a new scholarship program will be implemented. 
  • Volunteerism Tracking of volunteer activities will be highlighted in 2022 in order to make our volunteer processes easier. A new volunteer fair is planned for later in March.
  • Social Volunteers are needed to help plan social activities.
  • Instruction There were 30 new Colgate skippers in 2021 and 6 new BKI instructors. Classes will start in early May. A new Instructor Course will be available for members who want to become instructors.
  • Racing One of the best ways to improve your sailing skills is to participate in racing. In 2021, 58 racers signed up for the program. 
  • Cruising Cruising classes will be offered in a six course format on both of our cruising boats. A bareboat cruising course is planned for 2022. More member cruise outings will be scheduled.
  • Technology Several processes have been automated, making it much easier for members to sign up or get information regarding programs.
  • Maintenance Downtime for maintenance was greatly reduced in 2021 thanks to our Caring for Colgates program. Chainplates and bulkheads will be inspected before boats are put into the water this spring.

Members elected to the Sail Chicago Board are: Daniel Hazlet, Adam Jabs, Rachel Granneman, Gerald Stacy, Manny Conde, and Norris Larson.


By Adam Wisneski

Sail Chicago will host a virtual job fair on Tuesday, March 22 at 7:00 pm. The volunteer team, board members and program coordinators will have the opportunity to meet with members who may be interested in certain volunteer roles. New members, or returning members who want to learn more about different volunteer positions can ask questions or meet volunteer leaders from different areas of Sail Chicago. Review volunteer roles at positions.

Format: Via Zoom, with breakout rooms that participants can self-select to learn more about different volunteer roles at Sail Chicago. Click here to learn more and register!


By Ashleigh Luttery, DEI Committee

We’ve received significant interest in the pilot Scholarship Program for the 2022 season and will select recipients this month! In case you missed it, the Sail Chicago Scholarship Program is part of our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion initiative with the intent to provide access and encourage participation for those not traditionally well-represented within our organization. One thing we would like to offer the Sail Chicago Scholarship recipients is the opportunity to be paired with 1 or 2 Sail Chicago “boating buddies” who can show them the ropes (no pun intended!), help them navigate the organization, and perhaps even take them sailing. This is a great way to help support new sailors and share your experience and love of sailing! If you are interested in being a “boating buddy,” please contact Ashleigh Luttery at


By Dan Pilch

Sail Chicago will be hosting a two-day Basic Navigation course this year on Sundays, March 20th and 27th, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Columbia Yacht Club (note that you must attend both days in order to complete the course).  The course will be taught by Maureen Huston and Dan Pilch who last taught this course to a sold-out class in March of 2020!  

This course will teach sailors basic navigation skills and techniques that can be used within sight of land.  It is primarily focused on the use of paper charts.  Specifically, it will teach sailors how to read a chart and its symbols, convert between true and magnetic readings, plot course and position, calculate time/speed/distance, and take bearings and fixes.  In addition, there will be a brief review of some basic information on chartplotters.   Completion of this course is a prerequisite for Sail Chicago's Bareboat Cruising class.  

The cost for the course for Sail Chicago members is $160.  Proof of vaccination is required and the wearing of masks will be strongly encouraged.  If you are interested, then please email me at The deadline for signing up is March 13th, so if you're interested, don't wait, email me today!


By Monte Lewis

Interested in joining the Instructor Team? The Instructor Prep class will get you ready to teach classes at Sail Chicago.  Instructor Candidates (IC’s) should have a minimum of two years experience as a skipper at Sail Chicago and be a confident and competent sailor. Classes are limited to four (4) students each. 

Instructor Prep class begins with the rigorous Instructor Exam which is based on the Sail Chicago  On-The-Water (OTW) Skills Standards for Colgate 26. From there, Instructor Candidates (IC’s) shadow a minimum of one Sail Chicago instructor and complete the Shadow Form. 

Next, attend two OTW classes with your Basic Keelboat Instructor certified Sail Cchicago Instructor Trainer (Sail Chicago-IT) on our Colgate 26 sailboats. In the first class, IT’s share a series of learning practices that make Sail Chicago’s classes safe and fun. In the second class, the IC’s demonstrate those learning practices. 

Finally, IC’s conduct two Tiller Time sails while being observed by Instructor Mentors (IM’s). The IM completes the IC Observation Form, gives solid feedback and makes recommendations on how to improve their teaching styleClasses open soon, and there is limited space for this new Instructor Prep class. Questions?  Reach Monte Lewis at


By Norris Larson

Monte Lewis won the U.S. Sailing Community Sailing Volunteer of the year award for 2021. He has coached nearly twenty Sail Chicago skippers through the demanding the US Sailing Basic Keelboat Instructor (BKI) Test, a rigorous three-day practicum. As part of Sail Chicago’s plan to increase diversity in its membership, Monte reached out to the Jacmbership. Monte’s infectious enthusiasm and energy for volunteerism and community sailing is a major asset to Sail Chicago.


Monte first went sailing with his family and friends at age ten and never stopped. He and his wife Kathy are graduates of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, New York. They went to sea on ships and sailed around the world. Today they reside in a condo unit in the South Loop area of Chicago.

The award ceremony, originally scheduled for Savannah, Georgia, was held by ZOOM. The clip for Monte begins at minute 36.


By Matt Stuczynski, Lead Instructor

In a series of recent Chicago Tribune articles (one here) the good news is abundant about the one billion dollars that has been allocated to cleaning up toxic waste sites around the Great Lakes. The funds are part of the infrastructure bill passed by the U.S. Congress last fall.  Before Congress passed the "Clean Water Act" of 1972, many industries routinely dumped and released toxic chemicals in and around the lakes; including PCBs, PAHs, mercury, cadmium and lead along with oil and grease which resulted in 43 "areas of concern" around the Great Lakes slated for eventual clean-up by the federal government.  Luckily, we only have one in Illinois at Waukegan Harbor; however, the nearby Grand Calumet river at the Indiana Dunes is one of the worst; an EPA administrator once called some of the waste in that area, "sediment from hell".  Let's hope that the one billion in clean-up funding is spent swiftly and well to help make this source of recreation and drinking water for 40 million people as clean as it can be.

By Norris Larson


Art Witkiewicz joined Sail Chicago when it was still part of AYH Chicago and before we had Colgates, when our only training boats where Rhodes 19s without motors. Art took his first class in 1997 with three other students and this writer as instructor. He passed his on-the-water and written skipper tests the following year (1). Art sails on Colgates and Ideals, but remains a dedicated fan of the Rhodes 19. Art was introduced to the water on family fishing excursions and later made a canoe trip to Quetico Provincial Park, Ontario. After watching sailboats on our lake front, he took an introduction to sailing cruise with the Columbia Yacht Club and decided he wanted to learn to sail.
Art has made and continues to make significant contributions to the maintenance of our Rhodes fleet. In addition to routine maintenance—prepping boats to meet Coast Guard rules, stepping masts, launching, varnishing the cockpit sole and other wooden parts. Art also worked on two major projects: mounting motors on the Rhodes and buying a new mast for Two Fish. He worked with Frank Loftus, a past member of Sail Chicago, to mount the first motor and he completed the work over 2014-2015. The Rhodes has a high freeboard stern and is designed to carry a long drive shaft outboard motor. Sail Chicago decided that all outboards in our fleet should be of the same design and Colgates mount a motor with short drive shaft. Art redesigned the factory-issued mounting hardware, which required a custom-made part, to accommodate the standard motor to the Rhodes. He also contributed to the installation of the fuel tank and the run for the fuel lines to the motor. Then the yard broke Two Fish’s mast. Art chose a new mast and made sure that it had all the proper fittings for stays, shrouds, and flying a spinnaker.

Art is a retired chemist with additional work as an HVAC technician where he learned to rivet and braze* and use a variety of specialized tools. This background is not obviously relevant to boat maintenance, but what he brought to his work on our Rhodes were analytic skills he acquired in his professional and technical work—the ability to assess a problem and work through a solution, with carefully thought out trial-and-error and improvisation. Art now lives on the city’s southwest side near Midway airport and continues to be an active member of Sail Chicago. He is deputy boat manager of Two Fish and works with Tim Rice to manage our Rhodes fleet.

Author’s notes: When Art joined Sail Chicago/AYH there was a separate on-the-water test conducted by an examiner and not the class instructor. Unlike the Colgates, which are mostly fiberglass, reinforced plastic, there is a lot of wood on the Rhodes—hence the need for varnishing. *Brazing is a type of “welding” with non-ferrous metals.


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Need information on an area in Sail Chicago, but don't know who to contact? Just click here.
Join or Renew Your US Sailing Membership at a Discount Through MVP
Sail Chicago members can join or renew their US Sailing membership at a $10 discount through the US Sailing Member Value Partner program.

Sail Chicago Gear
Purchase gear with the Sail Chicago logo on it.  Caps, shirts, pants and other gear are available. To shop now, click here.
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The Telltale: February, 2022

Sail Chicago Newsletter for February, 2022
Sailing for All


By Steve VanderVoort, Telltale Editor 

It is with some real sadness that I report that Adam Wisneski is stepping down as Board Chairman of Sail Chicago. He reminded me recently that I was the one who talked him into joining the Board in 2015. At the time he seemed like a bright young guy with a lot of enthusiasm who could bring some fresh ideas and much-needed change to the organization. Convincing him to join the Board was one of the best things I ever did for Sail Chicago. 

In his tenure on the Board Adam has been a virtual blizzard of activity. When there have been differences among Board members he has been a reconciler. When members have complained or needed to air their gripes, he has listened and responded. Where new ideas have surfaced, he’s been supportive. Particularly in the area of technology, he has been a real leader, offering insights and helping our technology team to develop systems that relieve our all-volunteer organization of many of the mundane chores that needlessly took up much of our members’ time. But most of all, it’s his enthusiasm, lively interest, and zest for all things Sail Chicago that have marked his time with us.

Adam, you will be sorely missed. Know, however, that your presence among us has made us a better, stronger, more resilient organization. Our very best wishes for a bright future in your move to Rochester, New York.

By Adam Wisneski

It’s truly bittersweet news, but I have to announce that my family and I are planning to move to Rochester, NY, this coming spring. We made the decision to move in order to be closer to family. It’s bittersweet because we have lived here in Chicago for 10 years, and it’s the longest both my wife and I have lived anywhere. We’re Chicagoans, and we will miss this place, and Sail Chicago, dearly. 

When I joined Sail Chicago in 2013, it was the only way I could afford to keep sailing and continue learning. I took Intermediate, Skipper Prep, Basic Cruising, Bareboat Cruising, and through the sea time I gained with Sail Chicago and other learning opportunities, I was able to charter a boat with friends in the BVI. Eventually, I was able to buy, refit and set out to sea on a vessel of my own. My wife and I completed an 8-month, 5,000 mile liveaboard trip from Rhode Island to the Caribbean and back on our 35’ Wauquiez Pretorien in 2018. The trip was transformational for us. Sail Chicago had provided a platform of learning and possibility for me that I can honestly say helped change the course of my life. 

In 2015, Steve Vandervoort asked if I’d like to join the Sail Chicago Board. I was eager, and Steve helped welcome me into the group and encouraged my enthusiasm. The board entertained some truly wild (and bad) ideas I had at the start. Steve and the other board members encouraged me to keep coming to the table with ways to improve our organization for everyone, and I was inspired by their example of service. 

Since 2020, serving as Chairman of Sail Chicago has been one of the true honors of my life. You’ve trusted me with this important position, and I have learned a lot. I’ve gotten to know many of you, and have had the opportunity to listen to your thoughts and ideas, and discover the parts of Sail Chicago that you’ve built and nurtured. I’ve learned there are few other sailing organizations that come close to what we’ve created here. It is special for the sheer fact that it is created out of thin air by the will and determination of those that choose to show up and help out. 

I felt, and still feel, an urge to contribute as much as I can to Sail Chicago to help others who are starting their sailing journey just like I was 8 years ago. There are many members who depend on Sail Chicago as their only access to sailing on Lake Michigan, like I did. And, there are those who find that Sail Chicago’s ethos aligns with their own values of inclusion, learning and the power of collective effort, like I do. Sail Chicago is proof that we can accomplish a lot together when we all pitch in.

For 2022, though I’ll be living elsewhere, I’ll still be serving on the Volunteerism team to help improve the systems and communication around volunteer roles, but I will be stepping down as Chairman. 

If you’re someone who has been helped or inspired by another member, if you’ve learned from someone, if you’ve had the opportunity to see the skyline from the cockpit of one of our boats, please consider making this season the one where you step up even more into the spirit of volunteerism and giving back. If you’re someone who’s been thinking about stepping into a leadership role, I encourage you to take the leap and lead a volunteer team, become a boat manager, become an instructor, or run for a board seat. We’ll need your ideas, your energy and your talents to make sure Sail Chicago thrives for years to come. 


By Ashleigh Luttery, DEI Committee

This year we are piloting a scholarship program as part of Sail Chicago’s commitment to increase diversity, equity, and inclusivity (DEI) among its members within the organization as well as in the sport of sailing.  The goal is to promote the sport of sailing to groups that have historically faced barriers to participation, such as people of color in the United States and people from low socioeconomic households.  These barriers have included racial segregation in/exclusion from boating clubs, actual or perceived lack of access or acceptance, and/or high costs of participation in the sport.  The application is open January 3 - March 4, 2022.  Recipients will participate in SC’s beginner Crew classes (including Pre-Sail Orientation and US Sailing Basic Keelboat online course fees) and have membership fees covered, along with priority access to class signup.
Sail Chicago existing members can support the scholarship program by directly donating at  To do so when in the donation portal, simply choose “Add special instructions to the seller,” indicating donations are for the scholarship program. If members have donation question, please contact Rachel Granneman ( or Ashleigh Luttery (
If you know someone within your network who may be interested in applying, please share the application link here.  The application can also be found on Sail Chicago’s homepage banner at


Let’s say that you’ve fallen overboard in a high sea and your shipmates on board can’t find you, so they call the Coast Guard search and rescue team. The team knows that they have to get to you as quickly as possible, but how do they go about it? They could criss-cross a large area in their rescue boat, but that takes a lot of time. Instead they perform a Vector Search (VS). To learn more, click here. Thanks to Sail Chicago member Ed Schroeder for sending us this enlightening presentation.


Our Sail Chicago Board has compiled a list of volunteer opportunities available to fulfill members’ annual service requirements. Most of these opportunities are essential to our organization’s mission. Here’s a list of available positions:
  • Boat Managers and Deputy Boat Managers
  • Boat Team members
  • Sails Manager
  • Essential Equipment Manager
  • Electrical Lead (Apprentice)
  • Rigging Lead (Apprentice)
  • Social Director
  • Deputy Treasurer

For a more detailed description of each position, please click here. Even if you think you may have met your service requirement, consider helping out in one of the listed areas. You’ll be doing yourself and your fellow sailors a great service.


Columbia Yacht Club is sponsoring a seminar on sail trim, February 19, 11:00 am. Quantum Sails experts Farley Fontenant and Todd Basch will be on hand to discuss all things sail trim with some of the best in the industry. To learn more and to register for the seminar, click here.


By Dan Hazlett                 

We will soon begin holding our Pre-Sail Orientation (PSO) sessions for new members and students. As an exciting change this season, we are planning to have newly-minted skippers help lead these sessions. PSO sessions will be held remotely for 90 min on various days throughout the season (mostly in the early season, starting in late April). We are looking to hold training to lead the PSOs in early April.

This is a great way for new skippers to share their recent experience with future skippers while getting a refresher themselves on the key info about Sail Chicago. If you were skippered out in 2021 (or another recent year) and are interested in this unique volunteer opportunity, please reach out to volunteer coordinator Lois Vasquez for more information.

To stay informed on topics specific to new skippers like this one, join the #skipper-class-2021 channel on the Sail Chicago slack workspace.

By Norris Larson

Jay Owens, our bookkeeper and past treasurer, joined (AYH) Sail Chicago in 1987. He had been sailing with a friend out of Chicago until his friend moved in 1986. He discovered Sail Chicago and went to join, but was told by Marg Benson that all classes were filled for the season. He tried again the next season and after taking classes with Oren Kipplinger, Jay checked out on the Rhodes, the cruiser ER, two pocket cruisers, and our Shields. His wife also took lessons and learned to sail after Jay agreed to marry her in church if she went sailing, too. Jay raced in Rhodes and the Shields. He has also sailed in the British Virgin Islands and the Apostle Islands in Lake Superior.

Jay taught classes on Rhodes and the cruising boat, Emotional Rescue, and took on the role of treasurer for Sail Chicago working with an AYH employee who kept the books. When Sail Chicago initiated its plan to separate from AYH, Jay worked on the committee and applied his financial acumen in negotiating the break. The major item was the transfer of ownership of boats to an independent Sail Chicago. Jay continued as treasurer well into the 2000’s when the role was taken over by several successors. Jay now confines his volunteering to bookkeeping and work on the routine maintenance needed to keep our boats in good shape and in the water.

Jay is a retired CPA. His work as treasurer, bookkeeper, and financial negotiator is an excellent example of how professional skills members bring to their volunteer work benefits Sail Chicago. Originally from Denver, Jay moved to Northbrook in 1970 and then to Chicago in 1985 and has lived here since then except for a two year hiatus in an overseas job. He and his wife have three adult children and live in a high rise on the near north side.

[Author’s note on Sail Chicago history.] AYH is the acronym for American Youth Hostels. Sail Chicago was one of several outdoor activity clubs that were a part of the Chicago chapter. Emotional Rescue was an Alberg 30 we lost in a storm and which was replaced by Priorities. During the storm Emotional Rescue broke loose from its mooring in Monroe Harbor and was smashed against the south harbor seawall. The Shields (which we no longer have) is a sleek 30-foot racing boat with a tight cockpit and no cabin. Think Maserati. At one time we had an active Rhodes racing group, racing locally and away, trailering a Rhodes to races around the lakes.


Winter blues got you down? Tired of your COVID isolation? Well here’s something we hope will bring a little smile to your lips. You might even want to share these with your kids or grandkids.


Who to Contact
Need information on an area in Sail Chicago, but don't know who to contact? Just click here.
Join or Renew Your US Sailing Membership at a Discount Through MVP
Sail Chicago members can join or renew their US Sailing membership at a $10 discount through the US Sailing Member Value Partner program.

Sail Chicago Gear
Purchase gear with the Sail Chicago logo on it.  Caps, shirts, pants and other gear are available. To shop now, click here.
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You'll get updates, reminders, and other information on Sail Chicago events and activities. Click here
Shop Amazon Smile and Donate to Sail Chicago
When you shop online at Amazon Smile, Sail Chicago will receive a donation of .5% of your eligible purchases. It's a great way to both give and receive. To get started, click here. 

Missing Previous Issues of Between the Sheets?
You can always find the current issue and an archive of previous issues of Between the Sheets at the first (and open to the public) page of the Sail Chicago website.Look under "News/Newsletter."


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The Telltale: January, 2022

Sail Chicago Newsletter for January, 2022
Sailing for All


By Steve VanderVoort, Telltale Editor 

Although we’re now in the dead of winter, it’s not too early to start preparing for our upcoming sailing season. You can do this in a number of ways. First you can lay out your sailing gear to see if anything needs replacing. Are those sailing gloves pretty tattered from last year’s wear and tear? Does the canister in your PFD need replacing? Do you have an emergency whistle attached to your PFD? Is your foul-weather gear adequate for early or late season sailing? Do you have a knife with a marlin spike that you carry with you when sailing? You never know when that can come in really handy.

Second, review the rules of the road for sailing, and remember the most important rule of all: never assume that the other boat is familiar with the rules of the road.

Third, review the Sail Chicago Rules and Regulations, and make sure that you understand the penalties for infractions.

Finally, report your volunteer service. If you don’t, you could be left “high-and-dry,” unable to participate in any on-the-water activities next summer.


By Rachel Grannemam, Board Secretary

Sail Chicago’s Annual Members Meeting will be held Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 7 PM. The current plan is for the meeting to be held virtually / online. The meeting will include a presentation from Board members and program leads updating members on last year’s season and plans for 2022. As always, an important element of the Annual Meeting is the election for board members!  

This year we will be filling 6 Board seats. Four of the vacancies are the normal 3-year term, and 2 are filling vacancies – one of these will be for a 2-year term, and one is for a 1-year term. The 4 candidates with the most votes will win the 3-year terms, the candidate with the 5th highest number of votes will win the 2-year term, and the candidate with the 6th highest number of votes will win the 1-year term. As with any Board seat, the winners of the shorter terms may seek re-election after their initial terms are up. 

Important dates and links:

  • Current Board members will be hosting an informal meet-the-Board and Q&A about serving on the Board and the election process on Wednesday, January 26 at 7:30 PM using this link

  • Instructions for running for a Board seat are here

  • Board candidate information forms and nomination forms are due Tuesday, February 8.

  • Voting will open through the portal on Tuesday, February 22 and close during the Annual Meeting on Tuesday, March 1.


By Ashleigh Luttery, DEI Committee

ThisThis year we are piloting a scholarship program as part of Sail Chicago’s commitment to increase diversity, equity, and inclusivity (DEI) among its members within the organization as well as in the sport of sailing. The goal is to promote the sport of sailing to groups that have historically faced barriers to participation, such as people of color in the United States and people from low socioeconomic households. These barriers have included racial segregation in/exclusion from boating clubs, actual or perceived lack of access or acceptance, and/or high costs of participation in the sport. The application is open January 3 - March 4, 2022. Recipients will participate in SC’s beginner Crew classes (including Pre-Sail Orientation and US Sailing Basic Keelboat online course fees) and have membership fees covered, along with priority access to class sign up.
Sail Chicago existing members can support the scholarship program by directly donating at To do so when in the donation portal, simply choose “Add special instructions to the seller,” indicating donations are for the scholarship program. If members have donation question, please contact Rachel Granneman ( or Ashleigh Luttery (
If you know someone within your network who may be interested in applying, please share the application link here. The application can also be found on Sail Chicago’s homepage banner at


By Gerry Stacy, Service Time Coordinator

As we all look forward to the start of the 2022 sailing season, the volunteerism team would like to remind you to start thinking about how you’re going to contribute to the life of our organization this year.  There are many opportunities to fulfill your service time requirement which can take advantage of the skills and abilities you already have, or perhaps teach you something new.  Here’s some additional information for you about volunteering in Sail Chicago:

  • First, we remind you that service time requirements were relaxed last season due to the way  the pandemic prevented many of us from participating in the organization in our usual way..  Please note service time requirements for all members will be in effect in 2022. 

  • If you’re considering joining Sail Chicago as a new member, remember that your service time requirement is waived for your first year.

  • Returning members, if you don’t think you’ll have time to meet your service time requirement in 2022, remember to select and pay for the Service Time Waiver when you renew your membership.  This will waive your need to volunteer during the current season.

  • Please note the following rule change:  If you fail to meet your service time requirement in 2022, either because you didn’t volunteer for a position or you failed to fulfill the responsibilities of the position you were assigned, you will be required to pay a service time waiver for the 2022 season before you can renew your membership in 2023.

There are plenty of volunteer opportunities available each season, and many of them can be carried out in just a few hours each month.  You can review a list of positions on our volunteering site.


At the November, 2021 U.S. Sailing Stakeholders Summit, a panel discussion was held on diversity , equity, and inclusion in the organization and among its affiliates. Members of the panel shared what U.S. Sailing and its affiliate members are doing to promote DEI among the nationwide sailing community. Sail Chicago is an affiliate member. In 2020 we formed a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. To watch the video of the panel, click here.


SailGP announced recently that Chicago has been selected to host the United States Sail Grand Prix at Navy Pier, June 18-19, 2022 as the league unveiled the first eight cities that will launch the global racing league's expanded Season 3 race calendar!

SailGP is one of the fastest emerging properties in world sports featuring exciting, up-close action as teams race identical F50 catamarans – a highly-technical, hydrofoiling race boat that boasts highway speeds – in an annual global championship held in some of the most iconic cities around the world.

Additional information including details on tickets and hospitality opportunities will be released in early 2022. Click here to receive updates about tickets and further U.S. Sail Grand Prix Chicago at Navy Pier announcements. We're looking forward to welcoming this incredible event to Chicago for Father's Day Weekend 2022!

By Norris Larson

Adam Jabs joined Sail Chicago in 2012 and took a Beginner (now Crew) Class. He earned his Colgate skipper card in 2013 and his Cruising card in 2016. His interest in sailing began after he saw Charlie St. Cloud, a film featuring sailing in Minnesota. After he moved to Chicago, Adam decided he should learn to sail on our great inland sea and found our Sail Chicago website. He and friends have chartered boats in Bayfield, Wisconsin to cruise the Apostle Islands of Lake Superior; and in the British Virgin Islands. They plan to continue these excursions.

During his first two years with Sail Cchicago Adam worked on boat maintenance. In 2015 he started teaching Beginner and Intermediate (now First Mate) classes. In 2019 he took and passed the three day practical and written Basic Keelboat Instructor examinations. This last season he taught his first Skipper Prep Class as well as a First Mate Class. 

Adam is an experienced software engineer. He joined Sail Chicago to sail and sees teaching as his primary volunteer contribution to our community. For Adam, sailing is a break from his IT work and he did not want his work with Sail Chiocago to be a continuation of his day job. Yet he saw our need for IT support and he began this year to work with our principal IT volunteer, Bhargav Patel. Bhargav welcomes the aid from Adam and eventually, he will know our IT systems well enough to succeed Bhargav.

Adam lives with his two cats, Toast and Bagel, near Western and Division, between Wicker Park and Humboldt Park. He works for a professional services firm. Sail Chicago benefits from his contributions as an experienced sailor, instructor, and software architect.

[Author’s note:  What’s to like about maintaining a Sail Chicago boat—scraping bottom paint, working with smelly paints and solvents, getting into uncomfortable positions in order to work in tight spaces, …? The answer is that it’s the best preparation for the day you acquire your own boat.]


By Ed Schroeder

All of our boats are equipped with handheld flares. In an emergency, pyrotechnic signals remain one of the best ways to attract attention. Recently, however, a burning flare caused more problems than it solved. According to a recent article in “Practical Sailor” magazine, during a training course at the Annapolis School of Seamanship, a USCG-approved Orion handheld flare melted through its handle and began dripping hot slag on the trainee who was, luckily, wearing leather gloves. The hot slag had burned all the way to the plastic end cap and then melted its way through the cap itself.

Users need to recognize that they are literally holding fire in their hand and should be prepared to cope with a malfunctioning flare, including holding the burning flare at an angle, holding the flare over the water and wearing heavy leather gloves. It would be good practice, while on a pleasant sail, to read the directions on one of the flares. It might save your life.


Who to Contact
Need information on an area in Sail Chicago, but don't know who to contact? Just click here.
Join or Renew Your US Sailing Membership at a Discount Through MVP
Sail Chicago members can join or renew their US Sailing membership at a $10 discount through the US Sailing Member Value Partner program.

Sail Chicago Gear
Purchase gear with the Sail Chicago logo on it.  Caps, shirts, pants and other gear are available. To shop now, click here.
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You'll get updates, reminders, and other information on Sail Chicago events and activities. Click here
Shop Amazon Smile and Donate to Sail Chicago
When you shop online at Amazon Smile, Sail Chicago will receive a donation of .5% of your eligible purchases. It's a great way to both give and receive. To get started, click here. 

Missing Previous Issues of Between the Sheets?
You can always find the current issue and an archive of previous issues of Between the Sheets at the first (and open to the public) page of the Sail Chicago website.Look under "News/Newsletter."


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